Ch. 14

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I woke up around 7 and decided it was best to stay awake and get ready for the day. I started with a protein meal replacement shake since I'm not really a breakfast person then hoped in the shower. When I was done with my morning routine I decided to head out for Eli's house.
When I got there I was welcomed inside by his parents immediately.
"Braiden how lovely to see you, Eli's in bed sleeping right now."
I sat down at the table "I'm not here for Eli today mrs. and mr. woods, I'm here about the man who tried kidnapping lily." They both sat down and we began to talk about the situation.
"Out of 14 girls and their families who have been informed about the pictures 4 have decided to speak out against him. I'm here today to ask if you guys were willing to be apart of that. It would be some extensive court trials, of course he will still be serving jail time because of the evidence we have, however you can press charges along with the other families to try to get his sentences lengthened." They looked at each other in thought.
"Could we have a day or two to think about our decision?"
"Of course mrs."
I got up out of my chair and ran up the stairs into Eli's room to find him on the floor and a boy in his bed. So this was why he couldn't come over last night. I ignored my inner thoughts because deep down I know he's not that kind of person and checked up on him to make sure he wasn't hurt. After he and the boy argued a bit the guy left and we all went downstairs.
"Anyways, mr. and mrs. Woods you have my personal number so just text or call me with your decision." I looked over at Eli before deciding to walk out the door. Halfway to my car I got a text
Eli: nice ass, sorry I missed it last night 😉
I laughed and turned around and look up towards his room to see him looking out the window.
Me: sorry you missed it too 😉
I got into my car and headed to the station where we received dispatch for a double homicide. The sherif Told us to remember all the training we've been through and to be prepared for what we are about to see.
The house was already tapered off. As soon as we got onsite we were told to put vapor rub under our noses and a face mask to control what we smell. The sherif met us once we got to the doors.
"Now guys you have to keep your composure during this evaluation okay. For some of you this is a learning experience for others you already know what to do. Now follow me." He took us through the house and into the backyard. I couldn't look.
"Officer Braiden, you have to look. You have no choice if you are going to be working as a police officer." One of the other officers put their hand on my shoulder and told me I was going to be okay. I gritted my teeth and started to turn to face the crime scene in front of me.
After Braiden left I laid back down and scrolled through insta a few hours passed by and I decided to sleep. When I woke up it was to a phone call from Braiden. He was panicking about a case and needed to talk to me as soon as possible.
"I can't -I can't... I need to see you I have to talk to you.. this case... I was expecting stuff to be tough being an officer but not like this."
"Calm down Braiden, you need to calm down. I'll meet you at your place okay? Just go home and try to calm down I'll be there in 15. I promise."
He said and I hung up the phone frantically getting clothes on and checking up on lily, mom and dad to make sure everything was good before I left in the car.

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