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I finished feeding Lilly her food and cleaned her up. Then I rocked her in my arms till she fell asleep. Afterwords I went upstairs and laid her in her crib. I turned the baby monitor on before heading downstairs to turn the one on down there. I sat down after turning the baby monitor on and started eating my food then I noticed that officer Braiden was staring at me. The look on his face made my stomach flutter; which felt nice but also made me feel nauseas. Then he snapped outof it realizing I noticed.
It was my turn for my cheeks to turn a tint of pink as I ate my meal in silence while they all talked.
"So we took his fingerprints and ran them through our system and found out that he's had multiple accounts of rape and child molestation. He's also killed two of his older victims around the age of 25. We found his car parked about a block away from your house and it looks like he was stalking all of you. He had pictures and time stamps of when who got home, when the lights went out, and where everyone slept. Our guess is that he had had plans to kid nap lilly for about a month."
My mom was sobbing and my father enraged, and me? I was... I was beyond furious.
"Where's he at now?" My father asked.
"He's going to serve a lifetime in prison, assuming he makes it that far."
"What's that supposed to mean?" My mother asked, curiosity filling her mind to the brim.
"He'll get raped untill the inmates have had enough of him then they will probably kill him. That's usually what happens to those kinds of people there." They all looked at me
"How'd you know that?" Braiden asked. I stood up and looked out of the window.
"I know enough people who have been in and out of there. Along with tv shows like Scared Straight and a few others. It's not that hard to figure it out." I said with anticipation. "He'll get what he deserves because karma has no deadline. I don't feel any ounce of sympathy for that damned bastard.... there's a special place in hell waiting for him." I turned around and look Braiden straight in the eyes, "And I can't wait till he gets there."

There was an immense fire in his eyes when he spoke that last sentence. Something I had seen multiple times in my line of work, but something was different about his. They were also filled with a passion and caring; something that I never saw at the same time with the fire of hatred being present.
This kid had me entranced and interested in who he is as a person. The baby monitor pulled me out of my thoughts as Lilly began crying. Eli ran right upstairs and brought her down. She was wrapped in a pink swaddle with a princes tiara printed on the side. Eli was sorta bouncing up and down while patting her back. He grabbed down a bottle that was already filled with the powdered formula. He took his right hand and turned the faucet on and adjusted the temperature till he found the perfect warmth. He shook the bottle up then tested it on his skin to make sure that it was still a good temperature for her.
He cradled her in his arm and fed her a quarter of the bottle then sat the bottle down and put a towel over his left shoulder. He patted her back till she burped then he cleaned her face up and repeated it. She only drank half of it before she denied the bottle. Then he cradled her till she fell asleep in his arms.
  I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He was... more different than I thought.
"Okay well we are gonna head to bed, you can stay here for awhile longer if you'd like Braiden. I'm sure Eli wouldn't mind." His mother winked at him.
"I'm.. yea.. sure I could stay... at least.. for a little while longer.. if.. if you wouldn't mind Eli.." I looked at him, waiting for a response.
"Yea sure.. I wouldn't mind the company." He winked at me then bit his lip. 'How does he go from all innocent and caring to a horny mischievous teenager in .03 seconds?'
Mrs. And Mr. Woods headed to their room for the night and Eli and I stayed downstairs till he was positive that putting Lilly in bed wouldn't wake her.
We both headed upstairs about 10 minutes after lily had fallen asleep. He laid her down softly in her crib then folded his arms and watched her sleep for a few minutes. I stayed in the doorway watching him. He had this look of pure love on his face and I couldn't look away from him.
He turned around and started walking towards me and I could feel my heart pounding. He had his hand on the doorknob ready to walk out but I couldn't move. He stopped about two inches away from me, looked into my eyes then to my lips than back up.

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