ch. 17

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  After I had finished my shower I went directly back to bed just to wake up 2 hours later to a call from my parents.
"Hello?" I groaned in annoyance
"Sorry if we woke you up hunny, we have decided not to take that court trial. It'll just cost too much money and bring back bad memories seeing his face." My mother said and I got immediately annoyed but understood. "Would you run down to the police station and let officer braiden know for us?"
"Of course mom."
"Thanks hunny, I gotta go your aunt is making us all breakfast. I can't belive how nice her cabin is."
"Alright, love ya guys." With that i hung up and got ready for what was left of the day.
It was about 3 in the afternoon when I got to the police station.
"What can I do for you?" The mid 40's desk lady said she had glasses, but looked kind of  like an older nerdy version harley quinn.
"Um.. I'm here to see officer braiden..." I waited like 2 minutes with no reply. The phone rang and she answered it and started talking to someone about going out for drinks and getting nails done... I waited but it was taking too long."uh... did-did you notify him?" She rolled her eyes
"Hang on Linda I have some brat wanting officer braiden and hes being  impatient apparently." She put the phone on hold and scoffed
Then got out a walky and paged for officer braiden to come to the front. "There ya happy kid?" She rolled her eyes while picking up the phone to continue her conversation. Not long after braiden came out. And was acting strange...
"Hello Mr. Woods, what can I do for you?" He lifted up his belt with the gun holster and what not on it as if it was lifting up his pants too. I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Umm... I just came to let you know that my parents  have decided to decline the opportunity to take the court trial." I said as formal as I could thinking maybe he changed his mind about us.
"What why would they do that?!" He stoped acting formal and got more of a protective tone. The desk lady ended up looking at us and coughed. "I mean.... its none of my buisness so ignore my question. My apologies Mr. Woods. I'll file the paperwork of the decline for the  court. Is there anything else I could help you with?"
"Uh... no... that.. that should be all..."
"Very well, I'll walk you out." With that I turned and he ushered me out to the sidewalk. I turned around "hey, before I go I wanted to tell you that your guys desk lady is pretty rude." He looked at me stunned
"Melissa? How? Shes always been a sweetheart."
"I waited for her to paige you twice... she was on the phone with someone talking about going out and getting nails done and what not then I asked again and she called me impatient...and a brat... check the cameras.. it was very unprofessional and rude... and what if it had been an emergency?"
"I'll have the sherif look it over okay.. but you should go home.. I'll stop by after and let you know when the court gets the files and what not."
"Okay... see ya.." we parted ways and I felt empty... maybe hes just trying to make it seem like we don't know eachother outside of the case... or... wait.... maybe I... oh god.... could it have felt bad... did he fake his orgasm... what if it was terrible.... or... or maybe hes lost interest because I didnt put out all the way... I mean.. he is older than me...oh god.. what am I gonna do... 

I tried so hard to make it look like eli and I didnt know eachother outside of the case that I think I made it look and sound more suspicious than anything.. I'm not supposed to have any emotional ties to any case but I cant help that... especially not when it has to do with Eli and his family. I think melissa noticed too while eavesdropping...
I decided to file the paperwork first then go to the sherif and let him know about the complaint. He made me sit with him while watching the camera footage. Melissa was being extreamly rude.. makes me wonder if that's why we had a few complaints about her.. guess she acts different to people who she works with.. the camera footage went to us talking and I had high anxiety because he continued watching it. I started shaking my foot around under the table.
"Braiden-" the sherif turned to me "this boy has been in here alot hasn't he?"
"Umm... well... he does have a bit of a background... on top of getting in with the wrong crowds... and his sisters case.. so.."
"Hmmm.. curious...." he turned back to the tv and walking to turn it off. "Mellissa will be delt with... as for the kid... he seems like hes taken a liking to you... you know we do have a mentoring program for high risk kids.. hes not 18 yet so if you're interested in setting him straight and getting him and other kids on the right path I can talk to the school."  I stiffened, standing up quickly...
"If that's what you reccomend then I'm the one for the job sir."
"Perfect and who knows... maybe you can get Mr. Woods to reccomend some kids or atleast gather some who are interested in a better path for you.
"Absolutely sir."
"Dismissed braiden go have lunch."
"Sir." I said and exited his office. I looked down and brushes my palms on my pants.. when did my hands get so clammy....

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