*All vowels have one sound unlike English (no long AND short vowels)
*This is the pronunciation I hear and am familiar with, things might be pronounced slightly different in different regions
A (ah) sounds like "Ah there it is!"
B (beh) sounds like an English B
C (Seh) sounds like an English K but when followed by I or E it sounds like an S
Ch (Che) sounds like the ch in cheese
D (deh) sounds a lot like an English D and TH sound combined
E (eh) sounds like "eh?"
F (efe) sounds like an English F
G (ge) usually sounds like an English G but when followed by I or E, sounds like a harsh English H
H (hache) this letter is mostly silent (ache) except in words from other languages such as Hawái
I (ee) sounds like an English "ee" but a little shorter
J (jota) sounds different depending on the country but mostly sounds like the English h (it will never sound like the English J)
K (ca) very uncommon in Spanish but sounds like an English K
L (ele) sounds like an English L but with tongue raised (not dipped down) to roof of your mouth
LL (eh-y-eh) sounds like an English Y
M (eme) sounds like an English M
N (ene) sounds like an English N
Ñ (en-ye) separate letter than N, sounds like the NY sound in canyon or the NI in onion
O (o) like the O in "so"
P (peh) sounds close to the English P
Q (cu) always followed by a U and together (QU) sounds like an English K
R (ere) sounds more like an English D like in "caddy", you only roll a single R when it's at the beginning of a word
RR (erre) trilled R sound made by tapping the roof of your mouth with your tongue very fast
S (ese) sounds like an English S
T (teh) sounds like an English T but a little softer
U (oo) sounds like the "oo" sound in "food"
V (ve) like a Spanish B but the lips don't touch
W (doble ve) not a Spanish letter, used in foreign words like "Web"
X (e-keh-ees) sounds like KS like in socks, but in person/place words like México, it has an H or S
Y (ee-griega) usually sounds like an English Y like in "yes"
Z (zeta) sounds like an English S
Learning Spanish
Non-FictionI made this for anyone trying to learn Spanish! Since learning cultures is a big part of learning a language, I have included different traditions/food/phrases/etc. from countries in Latin America and Equatorial Guinea. Notice: I am Salvadoran so I...