Hispanic vs Latino vs Spanish

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First things first, be careful of who you guys call these because they are not the same. Lots of people probably don't know the difference... so what is the difference?

Latino: Latin America is almost every country below the USA. This includes countries in South America, the Caribbean, Central America and the country Mexico (which isn't in Central America). These countries speak languages derived from Latin (Spanish/Portuguese/French). Also good to know: some areas in these countries they might speak in tribal languages from before Spain and Portugal took over these countries.

Hispanic: Someone from a Spanish speaking country. Most Hispanic countries are in Latin America, but Spain (in Europe) and Equatorial Guinea (in Africa) are also Hispanic countries since they speak Spanish.
Brazil is a Latino country but not Hispanic because they don't speak Spanish (Portuguese is a different language).

*Some Brazilians say they identify as Latino and some don't (technically they are but some don't want to be called that) so you should probably check if they would be wanted to be called Latino

Spanish: Spanish people are from... (drumroll please)... Spain! But know the difference between Spain and Latino countries. For instance, if someone is Chilean they are Chilean, not Spanish.
Spanish people are Hispanic but not Latino since they are in Europe, not Latin America.

*also good to know: Equatorial Guinea is a Hispanic country in Africa!

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