Costa Rican Slang

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Sorry I haven't been as active but I'll keep updating!

Why learn Slang?
This will give you an advantage over other tourists visiting the specific country. Slang is included in everyday conversation and is necessary if you want to speak like a native.

*Be careful, in other countries, slang means different things so it's best you don't say some of these in other countries

Mae- this is used like English speakers say "dude" or "bro"

Tico- a person who is Costa Rican

Tuanis- is used like "cool"

Ruco- a word for horse; also used for an old bachelor

Tata- a word children use for "dad" (Can also be used by adults)

Goma/Estoy de goma- una goma is a hangover/estoy de goma is to be hungover

¡Que madre!- is used like "what a bummer" (why "madre" is negatively, I don't know)

Pura vida- literally means pure life, but used as thank you/you're welcome among other things, very versatile

Bomba- una boma is a gas station

Chinear- to spoil someone

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