These are words that sound the same in English and Spanish and mean the same thing.
Abandonar - abandon
Abreviar - abbreviate
Abdomen - abdomen
Absorber - absorb
Abstracto - abstract
Acento - accent
Acusar - accuse
Acostumbre - accustom
Acto - act
Actor - actor
Admirar - admire
Alérgico - allergic
Alteración - alteration
Ambulancia - ambulance
Aplaudir - applaud
Aptitud - aptitude
Área - areaBebé - baby
Banco - bank
Barrera - barrier
Batería - battery
Beneficio - benefit
Bicicleta - bicycle
Bloque - block
Bomba - bomb
Bravo - brave
Botón - buttonCalcio - calcium
Calcular - calculate
Calma - calm
Capitán - captain
Carro - car
Causar - cause
Celular - cellular
Centro - center
Campeón - champion
Circuito - circuit
Circunferencia - circumference
Citar - cite
Ciudad - city
Colonia - colony
Comedia - comedy
Comunidad - community
Complemento - complement
Learning Spanish
Non-FictionI made this for anyone trying to learn Spanish! Since learning cultures is a big part of learning a language, I have included different traditions/food/phrases/etc. from countries in Latin America and Equatorial Guinea. Notice: I am Salvadoran so I...