Here are the names of the colors in Spanish
Rojo/Roja - Red
Naranja - Orange
Amarillo/Amarilla - Yellow
Verde - Green
Azul - Blue
Morado/Púrpura - Purple
Types of Red
Alizarina - Alizarin
Amaranto - Amaranth
Bermellón - Vermilion
Borgoña - Burgundy
Carmesí - Crimson
Escarlata - Scarlet
Granate - Garnet
Types of Orange
Albaricoque - Apricot
Ámbar - Amber
Coral - Coral
Salmón - Salmon
Sésamo - Sesame
Beige - Beige
Types of Yellow
Limón - Lemon
Dorado - Gold
Types of Green
Esmeralda - Emerald
Jade - Jade
Arlequín - Harlequin
Kaki - Kaki
Verde Cazador - Hunter Green
Verde Lima - Lime Green
Types of Blue
Aguamarina - Aquamarine
Celeste - Sky Blue
Cían - Cyan
Turquesa - Turquoise
Azul cobalto - Cobalt Blue
Azur - Azure
Zafiro - Sapphire
Glauco - Glaucous
Azul de Prusia - Prussian Blue
Types of Purple
Índigo/Añil - Indigo
Lavanda - Lavender
Violeta - Violet
Rosa Cuarzo - Rose Quartz
Púrpura de Tiro - Tyrian Purple
Types of Pink
Fucsia - Fuchsia
Lila - Lilac
Magenta - Magenta
Malva - Mallow
Types of White
Marfil - Ivory
Nieve - Snow
Concha de mar - Seashell
Crema - Cream
Hueso - Bone
Perla - Pearl
Vainilla - Vanilla
Azul Alicia - Alicia Blue
Cáscara de huevo - Eggshell
Types of Gray
Arsénico - Arsenic
Carbón vegetal - Charcoal
Ceniza - Cinder
Gris Fresco - Cool Gray
Gris Pizarra - Slate Gray
Plateado - Silver
Platino - Platinum
Marrón - Brown
Negro/Negra - Black
Blanco/Blanca - White
Rosado - Pink
Gris - Gray
Learning Spanish
Non-FictionI made this for anyone trying to learn Spanish! Since learning cultures is a big part of learning a language, I have included different traditions/food/phrases/etc. from countries in Latin America and Equatorial Guinea. Notice: I am Salvadoran so I...