Hechos de Español

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Facts about the Spanish language:

• there are over 437 million people that speak Spanish in the world which makes it incredibly useful language to learn (405 million are native)

•Mexico has the largest number of Spanish speakers: 114 million

•Spanish is the 2nd most commonly spoken language in the world, coming after Mandarin Chinese

•¡Inverted punctuation is unique in major languages! ¿?

•After Latin, the language that had the biggest influence on Spanish is Arabic

•About 8% of Spanish vocabulary has Arabic origins

•Spanish is one of the most phonetic languages in the world meaning it is spelled how it is pronounced (in the Spanish alphabet)

•Spanish is the most popular language to learn in the USA, Canada (beside French) and Europe

•The average Spanish speaker uses 7,000 words

•22 countries have Spanish as their official language and even more speak it as one of their unofficial languages

•Spanish is called Español and Castellano depending on the country you're in

•The oldest Spanish text is 1000 years old

•In the USA some people make up up $124 an hour teaching Spanish

•The US is estimated to have 132.8 million speakers in 2050 making it the largest Spanish speaking country

•Spanish is considered to be the most romantic language in the world

•It is the 3rd most used language in the internet

•There are two ways to say I Love You: Te Quiero (more then like, less than "in love" used for friends, boy/girlfriends and extended family) and Te Amo (used for intermediate family and husband/wife)

•Spanish has many words that English doesn't have

•Anteayer is the Spanish word for day before yesterday

•Empalagarse is the Spanish word for the feeling of sickness you get when you eat too many sweets

•There is no literal translation to "like", "me gusta" is translated literally to "it is pleasing to me"

•In a Spanish dialect spoken in Uruguay and Argentina, the ll and y letters are pronounced like "sh"

•Sobremesa is the Spanish word for the conversation people have after eating dinner

•There are 3500 words that contain all of the vowels

•Ñ is the only Spanish letter of Spanish origins

•The vowel E is the most used in the Spanish language

•Spanish is the second most studied language in the world

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