6: The Ride Along

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         TAYA's POV:

"Mom, I'm going out! See ya!" I was racing down the staircase in my tight sequin dress and high heels, one wrong step and I'd snowballed down the whole thing.

I never wore heels before, ever. Mom got me these last Christmas and I had been saving it for a special occasion— such as this.

Getting out of the house, I spotted Blake's car waiting for me outside. My heart fluttered at the sight.

"You look really pretty," Blake smiled widely as soon as I got into his Audi.

"Thanks, you look really pretty too," I replied.

He did looked amazing. His hair was neatly pushed back, and he was wearing a crisp white shirt and jeans. If Paul Wesley and Robert Pattinson had a child, he would be Blake Harrison.

"So, where are you taking me?"

"It's a surprise. You'll love it," he said as he put his right hand on my knee, squeezing it gently.

It sent tingles up and down my spine. I tried my hardest to keep still as Blake put the car in gear and we drove away.

"So... how was practice today?" I said casually, referring to Blake's football practice.

"It was great. Everyone's so hyped up for the homecoming game on Friday, we're so gonna crush it. You'll be there, right?"

"It's not like we have a choice. You know the principal's making everyone come and watch the game," I rolled my eyes at Principal Finn's latest antics. "But of course I'd be there. Wouldn't miss it for the world," I added.

Blake grinned at my response.

"How 'bout you? How was rehearsal today?" he said, referring to theater club.

"Oh god, it was horrible! They just suddenly added this kissing scene and I had to kiss this guy for the play," I groaned.

I was expecting more of a reaction coming from him, but instead he just muttered, "Oh,"

"Well... what do you think? Are you cool with that?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah, sure. I mean, it's for a play, right?" he just shrugged.

"So, you don't really mind that I'm kissing some other guy?"

"But that's just acting, though. It's not real," he smiled graciously.

"...I see,"

I didn't know if I should look at this as him being mature and secure about us, or that he just didn't care at all. I mean, I wouldn't be so calm right now if he told me he had to kiss some girl for whatever reason.

But I guess that's just me.


After about half an hour of driving, we finally reached our destination—the Harrison Resort. Remember when I told you Blake's dad owned half the island? The Harrisons owned various properties and land— this chain of hotel resort was only one of them.

"You're taking me to your dad's resort?"

"This one is my favorite location. You get the best view of the ocean," he said proudly, handing over his keys to the valet.

"Come on," he took my hand in his and led me through the white-marbled building. We walked through these big glass doors that led us directly to the beach.

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