13: The Peas Offering

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      TAYA's POV:

Blake and I took Kai and Cameron to the emergency room. Cameron came out with six stitches on the side of his ribcage, and Kai came home with eleven stitches on his arm. The injuries weren't that serious, but imagine me trying to explain the whole situation to the doctor in charge.

Oh yeah, my kissing scene partner hit my little brother and his friend with a wooden plank we were using to build a Titanic replica. Just the usual.

Kai wouldn't tell them what happened, but Cameron spoke up. He explained how they were just having a slight argument but it turned physical once Judah started coming at them with the board.

Now I wasn't naïve. Don't be fooled by the dimples and wholesome smile, everyone knew that Cameron Tucker was no angel. He and Ry were in the same grade, but Cam got held back due to behavioral issues. Normally I wouldn't take anything that came out of Cameron's mouth seriously, but what I saw today corroborated his story.

"Are you okay?" Blake said to me, as we were walking out of the hospital and towards the parking lot. Cam and Kai were walking in front of us.

"Just a little shaken up, but I'm okay," I took a deep breath and sighed. "I still can't believe Judah did that to Kai and Cam... He's crazy,"

"You don't know the half of it," Blake scoffed.

"Why? Do you know something I don't?"

Blake drew a long sigh and put his hands in his pocket.

"I know everything about everyone on this island," he replied. That sounded like he knew something and it got me even more curious.

I was about to press for more information, but Cameron suddenly turned back to us. Blake was walking right beside me, but he moved away as soon as Cameron turned his head around.

"Yo Blake, can you drive me home?" he said.

"Sure thing," Blake responded and Cameron turned back around. And only then did Blake move closer to me again.

Blake didn't want Cameron to know that we are a thing...

"So, I'm guessing your friends still don't know about us?" I commented lowly.

Blake stopped his tracks. He waited until Cameron and Kai were further away before he spoke again.

"No... not yet. I couldn't tell them, not before I tell RJ,"

"Blake it's been... weeks," I reminded him.

"Yeah, but now's not the time," he hissed.

"Wow, I can't believe I fell for this, again," I rolled my eyes at myself and glanced away. I was suddenly feeling certain that Blake never wanted to go public with our relationship and I couldn't hide my disappointment anymore.

"Why does this bother you so much, Taya? I mean, you clearly have no problem rolling around with that Judah kid in secret. What's wrong with what we're doing?"

I flinched as soon as I heard him said those words. Was he for real, right now?

"That's not the same thing at all, Blake! And how do you even know—"

"How do I know about you guys? I told you, I know everything about everyone here. This is my island, after all,"

He sounded like a complete douchebag. I never saw this side of Blake before and I hated it. Maybe even more than I hated Cameron's guts. At least Cameron was upfront about his douchiness.

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