35: The Paper Chase

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    TAYA's POV:

"My little Romeo and Juliet babies are finally together! Oh, I'm so happy for you two!" Hallee practically jumped us as soon as she saw Judah and I entering the school hallway.

"Ssh, Hallee, keep it down will 'ya?" I shushed her as I was getting antsy with all the attention we were getting.

It was Monday morning, and school was back on full speed. The hallways were filled with students walking and talking about. And all morning long I had been getting weird looks from everyone.

Oh I don't know, maybe it was because Judah couldn't keep his hands off me, literally!

He made it a point for us to walk in together, and he had his arms around my shoulder the entire time. My left shoulder was starting to get cramps because of him.

"Sorry, I'm just too excited when you told me about it over the phone. I'm just like a proud mamma," Hallee squealed again as she pretended to wipe tears off the side of her eye. I could only roll my eyes in response.

"What? I basically made this ship happen with the play," she retorted back.

"Sure, sure,"

"Yo Gabe," Judah exclaimed as Gabe walked right over to us.

"Hey, Judah. You're back... and with Taya," Gabe looked at Judah, and then at me in amusement.

"You still got those notes from Bio? Can I borrow them for a sec?"

"Uh, yeah, sure," Gabe said as he raided his backpack.

"Judah Hudson is studying for a Bio test? Have we come to the end of the world today?" Hallee laughed sarcastically.

"Ha-ha," Judah laughed back.

"Hey, what are you guys doing after school today? We can double date?" Hallee turned to me suddenly, with excitement brimming out of her.

She had been whining about going on a double date with me ever since I got a boyfriend a month ago. We never got a chance to do it before, but this time might be different.

"Wow, I don't feel absolutely left out, don't mind me," Gabe interjected.

"Shush Serrano, we'll talk once you're man enough to ask that girl out," Hallee waved her hand carelessly at Gabe before turning to us and said, "So, lover birds, whaddaya say?

"Can't Hals, sorry. Got a study date for tonight," I replied.

"Study date?"

"Yeah, Judah's gonna study and do make up work for his classes, and I'm gonna finish that stinkin' college essay,"


"Yeah, totally," Judah nodded reassuringly.

"So Judah's turning over a new leaf and Taya's just... well yeah, it's about damn time you get that shit done," Hallee nudged my elbow playfully.

"So, college plans, huh?" Gabe said to Judah.

"It's not exactly a plan, yet. But I'm keeping my options open. Just gonna see where the wind takes me,"

"And you missy? Are you gonna apply to schools in the East Coast so you can be close to me at NYU?"

"I dunno Hals, I've been interested in schools around the West Coast lately,"

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

"Like... UCLA... or USC. And I've been thinking of maybe... going to study acting..."

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