37: The Wildest Dreams

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    TAYA's POV:

I was staring at my laptop screen in awe—a page full of words was displayed in front of me. Word count: 500 words.

Not to sound narcissistic or anything, but I legit thought that it was a great essay. I got so proud of myself every time I read over it. UCLA's application deadline was last night, and I had sent in my application just in time. I could only hope that UCLA would agree with me on this because they were my first pick.

I was sitting outside the guidance counselor's office with nothing much to do, so I started re-reading my essay. Re-reading my college essay got me thinking on how much I'd grown the past year. I started out as nothing but a blank white page, and now, I was full of new experiences and new stories to tell.

Taya 2.0 was a successful project after all.

I glanced over at the clock on the wall, the time showed it was almost 4 PM. Judah had been in the guidance counselor's office for almost an hour now, he should be done anytime soon.

For the past two months, Judah had been working his ass off. He did all his homework, asked for make up tests for the ones he missed, aced all his projects and exams, and he even volunteered at the local youth shelter for community service hours. On top of all that, he managed to score a 1300 on the SATs!

Judah can do anything he puts his mind to. Anything.

And no, I wasn't just talking about school. Judah was a great guy all around. He had the best personality, always cracking up jokes and lighting up the room whenever we were around my friends and family. And when we were alone... he would lit up something else entirely.

He sparked something in me that I never even knew existed.

Yesterday for example, it was Valentine's Day. Knowing Judah, I didn't expect anything 'cause he'd probably think the whole idea of Valentine's Day was stupid. But he surprised me, he came over at night with flowers and a box of pizza. The pepperoni on the pizza were made into the words 'be mine' and a question mark. It was so freaking adorable and who on earth could resist Judah and a good slice of pizza?

We ended up going to the cliff top building, as it was our spot after all. We had a small picnic there, eating pizza, and talking about nonsense stuff like aliens and what we'd do on a zombie apocalypse. After we finished our pizza, Judah put the box away and scooted over closer to me.

"Now, if you're wondering what's for dessert..." he said with that signature smirk of his.

"Tell me, how do you like your cake?" he said again, and boy did it got my blood rushing.

"With a lot of icing," I said as I bit my bottom lip seductively.

As the memory of last night replayed in my head, suddenly I felt two strong arms grabbed me from the back. A familiar masculine scent filled my nose and I could only hold my legs tighter together.

"Hey, sorry to keep you waiting," he whispered to my ears.

"Hmm," I found myself murmuring.

"What were you doing?" he said as he peeled away from me and started studying my body language.


"Nothing. How was the meeting with Mrs. Ash?" I said quickly as I fixed my posture.

"I'll tell you all about it. But first..." he cocked his head to the sight and grinned playfully.

He knows me all too well.

"Cake?" I said, in all my shameless glory.

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