42: The Family Ties

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    TAYA's POV:

We managed to get out of there just in time and into Ryder's truck. As we drove away and made sure no one was following us, I could finally let out a breath of relief. If Max had pulled out his gun or if his guys had seen what happened, Ryder and I would have been dead meat by sunrise.

"You better start talking," Ryder said through gritted teeth, as he kept his eyes on the read. He sounded irritated and intimidating, letting me know I wasn't completely off the hook just yet.

"Well, what do you wanna know?" I replied cautiously.

"For starters, why were you roaming around that part of town at this hour?"

"I wasn't roaming around. I was meeting a friend... She works at Castro's,"

"You have a friend that works at Castro's?"


His one eyebrow rose up in suspicion as he found it hard to believe.

"And who was that guy? Why was he harassing you?"

"He's a friend of a friend. It was a misunderstanding. It's nothing,"

"It didn't look like nothing," he scoffed, "Listen T, you shouldn't be hanging around over there, that place—"

"I know what that place is. And don't worry about me, I can take care of myself,"

"Like you just did?" he stated sarcastically and I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

Yeah, okay, good point.

"Why did you need to see your friend there at this hour anyway?" he pressed on.

"Ry, can we stop with the interrogation, please? I just had a really long week," I groaned aloud.

I am tired and upset. And hungry. And my boyfriend is still missing, somewhere out there. So, may I please be excused from this torturous Q and A session, please?

"What happened to you?" Ryder asked. He narrowed his eyes at me and he looked genuinely worried.

"If I tell you, promise me you won't get mad,"


"So... I was there because I looking for someone... for Judah. He and I are dating and he's been gone for—"

"You and who are what now?! What the actual—" he snapped and the car came to an abrupt stop by the red lights.

"Hey! You promised you won't get mad,"

"Hold the fuck up here. What the hell? Who says that you can date? And Judah? The motorcycle kid from Thanksgiving?"

"It's cool Ry, daddy says it's all right,"

"I fucking knew it. That kid fucking did it. I knew it,"

"You knew what?"

"And your dad's really cool with you guys dating?"

"Well, he's coming around..."

"No way he is. No fucking way,"

"Ryder!" I gaped, "I am a grown woman. I don't need you or daddy to run my life for me. I can decide these things on my own,"

"Yeah? And how's that working out for you?" he was probably referring to the fact that I almost got myself killed in a dingy alleyway behind a strange bar.

Again, well played, Ry.

"You just happen to catch me at a really bad time. But honestly, Judah and I are great together. We became this whole other person when we're together, we made each other better. It's amazing, Ry. You should see us."

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