19: The Prince Charming

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      TAYA's POV:

When I was little, all my friends wanted to be doctors, pilots, or teachers. But me, I wanted to be a princess. I was five years old, so don't judge.

Fast forward to twelve years later, on the night of my senior year Winter Formal— I was finally feeling like one. 

And here is how the fairytale goes:

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess, me. The princess wore a lovely off-the-shoulder silver dress, as she waited for her Prince Charming to arrive at the ball. She had her friends to keep her company, and so she spent the first half an hour of the party cheerfully.

But the clock kept ticking and there were still no sign of Prince Charming around. She thought of using her magical conch shell to give Prince Charming a call, but she thought that would be too desperate of an act, so she didn't.

Of course the princess didn't want Prince Charming to think she was so desperate for him. Heck, she wanted him to think she didn't even like him all that much—that they were just friends—who kiss sometimes...

But, after waiting for about an hour, I finally came to the realization that my life was not a fairytale and I was no princess. I was well aware of that. Yet, when I put on this silver dress today, I had hoped that maybe tonight could be an exception. I was trying to be positive, telling myself that my prince would show up for me. But, with each every passing minute, my faith was starting to waver. Thoughts of Judah ditching me came to mind and it felt like I was being punched in the gut.

I shook off the negative thoughts quickly, telling myself that he could still show up. I mean, even Snow White had to wait for her prince to come. But, what no one forgot to mention was how much waiting sucked.


      JUDAH's POV:

I stared at the stupid tie hanging loosely on the doorknob for the longest time.

What the fuck was she thinking—asking me to go to a dance? She knew damn well how much I loathed these things. And if I didn't go, I'd be the prick that stood a girl up.

And why the hell was she asking me anyway? She could easily get any guy in the damn school to go with her if she wanted to. Why me?

But of course, knowing Blondie, she probably hadn't noticed all that. The way guys would look at her when she wasn't looking, or how they talk about her in the locker rooms, I'd seen and heard it all. Of course any normal guy would want a piece of her. How could they not?

And somehow she decided to pick me; the good for nothing piece of shit.

Don't worry, I won't get it over my head though. I knew exactly why she asked me to go with her. It was the same reason as to why she kissed me on that homecoming game and struck that deal with me in the first place.

She just wanted to make her boy jealous, and I was the perfect pawn.

Normally I would steer clear from useless high school drama. I got enough shit to deal on my own, I didn't need anymore of that. But, once I saw who I was playing against: the little prince, Blake Harrison himself, I couldn't possibly say no. It was amusing to me, to taunt the prince that this lowly peasant could steal his princess away from him. I knew this was going to be a fun game and I was determined to play it.

What I didn't realize though, was that the princess was a stealthy thief.

She stole my heart and I wanted it back. I needed it back or else I was gonna end up with the same fate as those other guys in that damned school—pining over a girl I could never have.

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