34: The Champagne Supernova

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    JUDAH's POV:

"Kiss me," she said again.

I heard her loud and clear, butwhy the fuck am I not moving? And I shouldn't have made her have to repeat herself. But damn it, I was fucking terrified.


"Blondie," I said quickly through gritted teeth, "I just have to warn you. If we kiss... it will end the world,"

It's happened before and no one survived, especially me.

"What do you mean?"

"Letting you go was the single stupidest thing I had ever done. And I've done a shitload of stupid things. So, I'm gonna be honest with you, I will kiss you. And then I'll never let you go,"

I didn't wait for her to react this time. Closing the distance between us, my face delved right in for hers. It was like an explosion of sensation. Just the taste of her lips was enough to send me off the rails.

For the past month I had been kissing and tasting lips other than hers, it was stupid, but I was so desperate to numb my cravings for Blondie. But nothing and no one could compare to her. Not even in the slightest.

She had ruined kissing for me.

As our mouths moved in sync, my hands moved to cup her cheeks, holding her tight. Nothing felt better than this. Nothing felt more right. And when she started tugging on my bottom lip, I lost it.

I pushed both our bodies back until she was trapped between me and a tall tree behind her. She looked up to me in shock for a split second, but I was adamant on not breaking off the kiss.

"Told you I'm not letting you go," I murmured as our tongues continued to tangle.

"So don't," she murmured back.

I couldn't stop the groans coming out of me. She pushed me back this time, until my back lightly slammed against another tall tree. She was smiling through her kiss as she deepened the kiss.

Smiling back, I pushed her back until we hit another tree, a little more rough this time. She gasped at the contact, but she quickly recovered herself. This then went on for a couple more times before we finally reached the old abandoned house. There were no more trees to pin her against, so I settled for the tattered walls.

My mouth stayed hungrily on hers, my hands were holding hers up against the wall, and my body was pressed up against hers. There was no room for her to escape. We were moving in synchrony as our bodies were rubbing against each other.

"Fuck," another groan escaped my throat, as I couldn't control myself any longer.

"Judah?" she said as she pulled back slightly, noticing something was off with me.

"Taya..." I said in between breaths.

I only said her name, but I had said with such meaning. My eyes were pleading with her as I swallowed hard and waited for her to respond.

Her eyes were a little glassy as her small lips curved into a smile. And then she nodded her head.

Not wasting anymore time, my hands found the hem of her shirt and the small fabric went flying in seconds. She responded by grabbing a hold of my jacket and briskly shoving them off me. I replied with holding her by the hips, my hands lounging casually around her jeans' button. She was impatient though, as she didn't wait for me to finish my move and instead she pulled my shirt up and over my head.

"No patience, huh?" I joked

"Shut up,"

"Slow down, baby," I laughed as she rolled her eyes. And I noticed that little cringe when I called her 'baby'.

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