33: The Lion Heart

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     JUDAH's POV:

"Why are we going this way? We need to get you to a hospital," Blondie was practically screaming at me as I drove the bike further and further to the edge of town.

"No, no hospitals,"

"You've just been shot, Judah!"

"No. Can't be around hospitals. They test for drugs... and gunshot, not a good combination,"

"But Judah—"

"The bullet barely grazed my skin. I'll live,"


"Plus, Max will never find us here,"

We finally reached the edge of town, back to the cliff top area where I took Blondie once. It was the best hiding spot in the entire island since it was actually private property.

As I killed my bike's engine and stepped down from it, Blondie followed suit with a concerned look on her face. I gave her one small smile before signaling for her to come follow me.

"Please tell me you're done hanging around those low-lives, " she muttered under her breath as we made our way up the cliff.

"Hey, watch it," I replied defensively, "They're not that bad,"

"Not that b—are you insane? Did you see what just happened? He freaking shot us!"

"Max never misses his target, especially at that range. He didn't shot us. He was shooting at the ground,"

I only got hit because I jumped in front of the gun, which was stupid. But if something had happened to her... I won't know how to live with myself.

"Max just isn't himself when he's drunk," I sighed, pausing a second before saying, "And I'm not myself when I'm stoned,"

We weren't perfect people, for sure. But we were family.

"What Max did was pretty shitty. But I'd done some pretty shitty things too. But at the end of the day, we had each other's backs,"

"If that's what you call having each other's back, count me out," I could just picture her rolling her eyes as she was walking behind me.

At this time, the adrenaline rush was slowing down and I was starting to feel the gnawing pain on my arm. Letting out an annoyed sigh, I ripped the hem of my shirt and tied a knot above the wound to help stop the bleeding.

Blondie was just watching my every movement. She had that worried look on her face again. She wanted to say something, or do something, but she didn't know what to do. This probably sounded pathetic, but I was thoroughly enjoying the attention she was giving me.

"You don't carry around one of those Hello Kitty Band-Aids by any chance, do you?" I joked to ease the tension, but she just sighed and continued on staring at my arm.

"Don't worry, it's just a scratch," I shrugged it off and proceeded to continue on walking.

"Judah..." she said suddenly and I heard her stopping her tracks.

"What?" I replied as I turned around.

"Why didn't you tell me? About the time when we were kids... I didn't remember it was you, but you did..."

Ah, time to answer for my crimes.

"I dunno, it's not really important," I shrugged again and Blondie had her eyes narrowed at me.

"Stop lying Judah. Just stop," she shook her head disapprovingly, "Tell me the truth, please,"

How did she do that? She could just see right through me.

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