45: The Silver Lining

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    TAYA's POV:

"Are you real right now? Or are you a figment of my imagination?" I blinked my eyes a few times and I was holding back my breath, waiting for his response.

"Come on down and find out," he said simply.

My feet turned on its heels instinctively. I was feeling a mixed of emotions as I ran down the staircase on the side—angry, happy, confused, relieved, everything all at once.

"Judah...?" I stopped as I finally reached the last step down.

"Wow, you look... amazing," he shook his head from side to side as he studied me, "Love what you did with your hair,"

It really was him, nonchalant and cool as always. But I was not cool. I couldn't contain it anymore. Tears rolled down my face and my hand went to cover my mouth in disbelief. I wanted to speak but I was rendered speechless. I had so many things I wanted to say. Too many. I wanted to scream and yell at him too. But everything fell away the moment I saw his face again.

"Hey, why are you crying?" he said as he closed in on me.

His arms stretched out as he was about to hug me, but I quickly stepped back and shoved him away instead.

"You left me! You just left me. I've been waiting... for you for so long... you don't even know," I said in between sobs, my fists kept pushing him back by his chest.

"I know, I'm sorry,"

"Sorry's not gonna fix this, Judah! You have a lot of explaining to do and I will not just accept 'do you trust me' as an answer!"

"Yes, okay, I will explain everything. But first..."

He took out a lighter from his pocket and lit up the single candle planted on the cupcake he was holding. He was all smiles and acting all cute, while I was an angry and crying mess.

"What the hell are you doing?" I sighed.

"It's my birthday. I want my girl to wish me a happy birthday,"

"Are you serious?" I gaped.

He went missing for two weeks and he came back all of a sudden and asked me to wish him a happy birthday, I mean, the audacity of this boy! And is it really his birthday...?

"I'm gonna make a wish now," he said as he closed his eyes for a few seconds. When he opened his eyes next, the candle went out with one quick blow from him.

"There, my wish came true," he said as he looked right at me.

Smooth as always.

He leaned his head down, his lips aiming for mine. But I wasn't about to give in so easily. I put my hand on his chiseled jaw, holding him back from coming after me. I gave him a look too, a don't-try-me look.

"Aw, come on, it's bad luck to not kiss your boyfriend on his birthday," he pouted.

"Judah, I swear, I'm not joking right now—" I persisted, and he cut me off.

"Alright, alright. I'll talk. Here, you can have my cake,"

He handed that cupcake over to me and I must say, it looked pretty damn good.

"Bribing a girl with chocolate cupcake," I rolled my eyes as I took the cupcake away from him, "It's a good start. Keep going," I muttered, and he responded by snorting a laugh.

I took a small bite of that cupcake while my eyes were locked on him. He knew he wasn't getting away that easily. Shoving his hands in his pocket, he let out a long sigh.

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