8: The Electric Feel

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      TAYA's POV:

Our school had just won the first game of the season and everyone was ecstatic. The excitement levels were off the charts.

But as everyone else flocked over to Zippy's, our town's favorite local diner, to celebrate our homecoming victory, I found myself surrounded by my only friends in the world, Hallee and Gabe at a Walmart parking lot. We were sitting in Hallee's car, blasting LANY on the radio and munching on a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos.

"Gabe, you need to settle this argument once and for all," Hallee said.

"What's this all about? I'm hungry, I thought we were going to Zippy's?" he whined.

"We will once this argument is settled. Now listen to this, Taya here has decided to make a deal with Judah. They're going to do the kissing scene for real and not only that, they're becoming kiss buddies; friends with kissing benefits—"

"But, we're only doing it for the play," I cut her off quickly. "Judah agreed to take the play more seriously and I agreed on some extra practice time together. You should be proud of me Hals, I took one for the team,"

"Yeah, except you didn't. I know you only did it because you wanted to make Blake jealous. And don't try to deny it, I was there, I saw everything,"

You really can't get anything pass her.

"Fine! So what, I wanted to make Blake jealous? You'll get two hardworking actors working on your play and I get a chance to get back at Blake, it's a win-win solution. Everybody's happy, right Gabe?"

"Uh... sure," he looked lost.

"Nothing is ever that simple, my dear. Trust me, I've read more romance novels than you can count. You're playing with fire and this is gonna end up biting you in the ass. Tell her I'm right,"

"Uh... she's right," he complied.

"You worry too much Hal," I shook my finger at her. "I got this under control. Now finish your Doritos and let's skedaddle,"

"I'm telling you Tay, I have a bad feeling about this," Hallee said as she put the car in gear and we pulled away.

"Oh Hallee, you have such little faith in me. This is Taya 2.0 we're talking about," I whipped my hair in the air for an added dramatic effect.

I mean, what could possibly go wrong?


After getting some Loco Moco at Zippy's last night, Hallee dropped me at home and I just went straight to bed. When I got up in the morning, or actually afternoon, I saw that the house was already empty. Having the house all to myself, I decided to lay low for the day and enjoy the luxury that was Saturday.

Saturday was my favorite day of the week. I could wake up whenever I want and lay around in my PJs all day. I didn't have to worry about homework yet because we still have Sunday.

I was just rolling around lazily in the living room, watching Netflix, and eating junk food, when I remembered I hadn't checked my phone at all since I got home last night.

    Blake Harrison [5 Missed Calls]

I was grinning a sinister smile at the notifications on my screen, clearly what I did yesterday at the game was working. For a second, I thought of calling him back, but suddenly a new notification popped on the screen.

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