26: The White Lies

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      TAYA's POV:

Judah just stared at me for the longest time without saying a word. There was something about him, his face was downcast, which made me even more self-conscious about this whole thing.

"Should I?" I repeated my question again when he wasn't responding.

Please tell me to stay.

He kept his head down and took a deep breath. Then he looked up at me with a dejected look on his face as he said, "You... should go,"

"What?" I gaped, but my voice came out in a whisper.

"I said you should go," he repeated himself, his tone was cold and flat.

I was still waiting, thinking that he would say something else, or say that he was joking. But he just stood there with a dead-serious expression.

After everything that happened between us, could it be that Judah didn't feel the same way?

I felt air escaped my lungs and my chest tightened in pain.

"You really think so?" I asked again.

"Yeah, isn't it why we started this game in the first place? So you can get with him?"

"You really think that's what I was doing this whole time?"

"Yeah, what other reason is there?"

"Right, there would be no other reason, would it?"

"It's done, Blondie. Game's over. You can go back to your perfect little life with your perfect little boyfriend now," he scoffed.

The knot in my chest tightened more than ever before. I never heard anything more painful in my life.

"So everything that we'd done, was it all just a game to you?" I breathed, holding back the tears that were pooling in my eyes.

He didn't say anything and he just watched me. I was getting more and more frustrated—at him and at myself. How could I be so stupid? How could I let myself be in this position?

"Even that night at your house?" I croaked, referring to our most intimate moment together.

He bit his lip and let out an irritated sigh.

"What, when I fingered you? Yeah, that was fun," he said mockingly. A slap to the face would hurt much less.

"So you were just using me, this whole time?" my voice cracked involuntarily and I hated how weak I sounded. I wished it didn't come out like that.

"You were using me too, but that was our deal, wasn't it? No attachment. No heartbreaks. Why are you getting so upset all of a sudden? Wait—what, are you actually having feelings for me?"

I didn't have the strength to respond, I could barely keep it together. And then the most unimaginable thing happened—he started laughing.

"Ha! Didn't I tell you this was gonna happen?" a smug smile plastered on his face. "Sorry Blondie, but it's over, you lost,"

I never hated his smirk, until now. I had never hated anything more in my life. This was just plain cruel.

"Right. You win. Congratulations, dick," I spat, and a tear trickled down my cheek.

"That I am," he retorted back.

Judah wasn't what I thought he was. Everything I thought I knew about him, everything we went through together, everything was just a lie. This hurt more than anything I had ever felt in my life. I couldn't even stand looking at his face anymore.

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