Thunder X MP3 (LOS)

916 1 3

I'll usually say the name of the requester, but because they requested this as a joke, I won't


Mp3 sat in the grassy field outside of the building that the dorms were in. She was bored out of her mind. She looked around. She sees Naval, Drill, Yo-yo, Crystal, and Toy crab. No one worth talking to. She keeps looking, and she hears the door to the dorm house open. Out swoops Thunder.

"Perfect!" Mp3 says under her breath. Mp3 walks over to thunder, who seemed to be looking for someone. Probably Planty, cause Planty, can speak fluent "Cat noise" and "Drum sound" not to mention "dog bark".

Mp3 gets to Thunder, who doesn't notice that MP3 was anywhere near her.

"Hi, Thunder!!" MP3 says, rather loudly.


Thunder turns, surprised. 

"Relax! It's just me!" Mp3 says.

"Mrrow?" Thunder asks.

"C'mon, I know that's not your real voice..." Mp3 says, putting her hands on her hips. Thunder looks at her for a couple of seconds, then rolls her eyes.

"Fine..." Thunder says in her quiet voice.

"So, cutie, what's up?" Mp3 asks, adding a slight flirt to her question.

"I'm looking for Planty." Thunder replies, pretending she didn't hear MP3 call her cute.

"Oh! Well... You know, I thought maybe we could... do something? If ya know what I mean?" Mp3 says, smirking.

"No, in fact, I don't!" Thunder replies.

"Oh... Well, what I was thinking was that you and me could go to my dorm and f-"

*flustered crash cymbal and bass drum noises*

Mp3 stops talking and smiles slyly. Thunder looks flustered.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!!" She says, her voice cracking.

"Don't worry, I won't. But the option is still on the table~" Mp3 says, pointing a finger gun at Thunder.

"NO!!! OF COURSE NOT!!" Thunder replies, her face red. She zooms off in embarrassment.

"Hah, works every time..." Mp3 mumbles to herself, laughing.



my friend requested this as a joke-

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