"Overwhelmed" BarbedFold/BlindWire

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((I need more motivation!! XDD I have a lot done for tren, but not a lot for anything else- ;-; I do have a few paragraphs for FanBrush though!! A few sentences for Lightbrush, and basically nothing for the other ;-;;;;;))

"I- there's just so much going on when there's, just, barely anything... I can't let go of the thought that someone is following me wherever i go... That someone might break in- That threats are possibilities no matter where I am or who I'm with. I'm just-"
"Overwhelmed. You're too stressed out." Blindfold interrupts.

"E-exactly..." he sighs, "And I wish I could just- just stop being stressed... You know?? I try all the stuff people say to do when you're overwhelmed but... It doesn't... work... Cause, I'm not overwhelmed at the amount of stuff I have to do, or people around me, I'm overwhelmed at how much could go wrong at any given second. At any moment someone could run in with a gun and kill us. At any moment we could just... stop..."

Blindfold silently listens to him, nodding. When he finishes, she keeps silent before perking up a little bit.

"I know something you haven't tried that might work!! Do you wanna try it?" Blindfold smiles, making Barbed shyly smile too, "I have a good feeling It might work!" Barbed agrees, only because Blindfold thought it would work for sure. Blindfold puts her hands on Barbed's face, both on either side.

"Okay, close your eyes so you can't see anything, like me." She giggles. Barbed closes his eyes.

"Get all the stressful and negative things out of your mind. Throw them into the garbage can." She hears Barbed chuckle a little bit at her words, "Now, think about yourself, in a good situation." she shuffles a little closer to him.

"Ask yourself 'is this situation stressful?' Then add me to the situation." She quietly waits until she can feel Barbed smile more, "Okay, last step. Tell me to stop if you don't like it."

Barbed was confused to what she meant by that, until she leans into him and presses her lips on his. She pulled away after a second, blushing madly,

"I'm sorry- I should have asked first- I-"

Barbed stopped her by pulling her close to him and kissing her. She was slightly startled, but not in a negative way. She held his arms and kissed back, her nervousness from a few seconds ago fading away in an instant.

(364 words. See?)

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