Trophan - Nightmares

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hi yes this is the short uwu owo~

Fan woke up suddenly, a dream startling him awake. He quickly sprung up and looked around. Of course, the room was empty. Paintbrush, Baxter, and a bunch of other people who lived at the hotel were gone on some trip. Fan couldn't really remember the details, other than that a lot of them were going, and that Fan shouldn't go. Probably because he usually gets carsick due to all the fanfiction he reads in the car-

He nervously crawled out of bed, the dream had really unsettled him. And whenever that happened, he usually would talk to Paintbrush or Baxter, or even text Testtube! But they were all gone on that trip, and he doubted they had cell service... Plus, they'd all be asleep at a time like this and if he woke one of them up, he'd be bound to wake others in the van as well.

He wondered if he should just try to calm himself down or figure something else out....
Yeaaahhhh... He just went into the hall and knocked on the first door next to his.

Trophy woke up, hearing a knock on the door. Who the hell was knocking at two in the morning- He let out a yawn and called out to the door.

"Ughhh... Who is it-"

"Oh! Hey Trophy! S-sorry to wake you up n all- I was just wondering if i could- come in- and like talk and stuff and whatever--" Fan's voice replied from the other side of the door.

Trophy groaned and sat up, grabbing his shirt from the dresser and putting it on. He then got up and opened the door. He was shocked to see how upset Fan looked, he didn't even think he'd ever seen Fan upset in any way at all-

He gestured to the inside of the room, and Fan walked in. Trophy closed the door behind him. Trophy sat on his bed, and Fan sat at the one across from his.

"So uh- What do you want- And why are you here at like- Two-"

"Sorry about that- I just- Uh- Well i had a nightmare- Type- Thing- And well i didn't realise how often i relied on Paintbrush or something to calm me down. But uh- I did and- I just can't seem to- Calm down... I guess..."

Trophy listened, and bit back a mocking retort. Fan was genuinely upset. This wasn't the time.

"What do you want me to do?" Trophy asked, looking at the worried little dweeb. Fan opened his mouth to reply, but didnt say anything, as if he didnt even know.

"Can i- uh- sleep in here..?"

"I mean, sure whatever- Tissues' bed is open-"

Fan looked at the bed he was sitting on, he could see snot stains and probably all sorts of stuff on it.

"Are you seriously thinking about having me sleep in this... Snot filled mess???"

"Wh- did soap not- oh wait fuck shes gone on the trip too-"


Trophy facepalmed. There really wasn't any other choice, was there.

He got up and moved his blanket, then slid under the covers. He shuffled til he was at the side of the bed, then patted next to him. Fan slipped under the covers beside him.

"Oh yeah, and if you mention this to anyone you're practically dead."

"Don't worry- i wont-"

Aaaand they both slowly drifted off to sleep. The comfort of being next to another warm body had soothed Fan, his nightmare dared not to reappear.

In fact, it was the best sleep the both of them had in ages.

Fuckin gay asses.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2020 ⏰

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