Dont Hate Yourself-Fubble

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Bubble sat in the grassy field, deep in thought. She knew that Match's elimination might not of really been her fault, but it had to be. It had to be because of her. She had tried to be assertive, and she yelled at match, that had to have been the reason the viewers voted for her...
Bubble felt tears forming in her eyes and she wiped them away before they could fall. It had to have been her fault. Match didn't deserve this.
While bubble silently thought to herself and held back tears, fanny had came to sit beside her, dragging her face next to her first then sitting down next to her. She touched bubble's hand with her foot to get her attention. Bubble moved her eyes from the floor, to fanny, and wiped more tears away. Fanny sighed to herself and decided to speak.
"Bubble... It isn't your fault..." Fanny starts, trying her best to be comforting unlike her usual self.
"How can oit not have boin? Oi was the one who got mad at match, Oi refused to forgive her, Oi'm the reason the viewers voted her off...."
"Bubble... You were standing up for yourself! It was hard, yes. But that doesn't mean you should hate yourself for it! You should accept that you at least tried to get her to see why you hated the way she treated you." Fanny continues, pressing her foot firmer yet gently on bubbles hand.
"But OI didn't hate the way she treated me! Oit was Pencil, not her... I shouldn't have broight her into thois..."
"Bubble, You're not listening. You don't hate match, and that's good. But you did hate the way she was treating you. You know she was trying to be pencil, so she toughened up on you. You hated that. But at least she knows why you were so sad about everything, and why you've been so passive. It's not your fault. Stop hating yourself for something that you did to defend yourself!"
Bubble sat quietly and stared at the ground, letting Fanny's words sink in. She moved her hand to on top of fanny's foot and she lightly squeezed it.
"Thoinks fanny... I really needed to hear that. OI'm really glad to have someone loike you as my friend." Bubble admits, her cheeks turning a little bit bluer. Fanny smiled.
"I'm glad to. Because I hate seeing you unhappy..."
The two sat in silence for a few minutes, smiling quietly.
"Wait, fanny, how long have you been broken??" Bubble asks, realising that Fanny's face was on the ground.
"Oh, episode eleven. Snowball hates being talked to as anything less than a powerful person I guess."
"Oh... Well, here!"
Bubble picked up Fanny's face and put it back onto her body, pushing it in gently to lock it in place. The blades started whirring again immediately. Fanny looked a bit surprised.
"W-wow. It was that easy all along?" She asks no one in particular, "I- Thank you, Bubble. I really hated having to drag my face around like that..."
"Of course! OI just wish OI wasn't so caught up oin my drama so OI could actually see that you needed help..."
They sat in silence abbot longer. Fanny smiled to herself, she had an idea.
"Bubble? Can I tell you something?" She questions, looking over at her.
"Oiv course you can." Bubble responded with curiosity.
"I- For the longest time I never really felt good about anything. I hated everything. But, after you tried to stop Pencil from getting Lightning to electrocute me, I didn't, you know, hate you as much. And, being on your team I just, I got to see what a great person you are and, I can't really hate that... I guess what I'm trying to say is..." She stopped and took a breath, she turns her propeller of completely and faces bubble, "I don't hate you because...." She leans towards bubble and gives her a peck on the lips, making sure to be light enough that she didn't pop her.
"I love you Bubble..."
Bubble blushed very noticeably and smiled.
"OI love you too fanny."


Have I ever said that bubble is my favourite character???? Cause she is definitely my fave next to Cake, Leafy, Book, and Pencil.

I know I still have to finish my Pen x Pencil one shot (it was requested) but since I'm on a cruise and can't finish it right now, I wrote this. And tbh, I love it so much.
I hope I got their characters and personalities right... I think I did them pretty spot on with what we've seen of them in the show(s).
We don't really know too much about fanny except that two of her most defining traits are hating almost everything, and wanting to support bubble. So I tried my best to include that without it being too overwhelming.
I'm sorry for adding three hundred words to this one shot just because I'm ranting about character analysis but hey what's done is done.


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