Knickle Real (II)

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Right, A, B, B, Right, A, Duck, Left, Right, A

"Ugh- I lost again!?" Pickle exclaims with disbelief, crossing his arms. I laugh.

"Eh, that's what happens when you're up against a master," I reply, giving him a soft punch in the arm. He laughs as well.

"Well, I think you're just cheating," he says, still laughing.

"No, I'm not!"

"Fine, prove it."

"Then let's replay the level," I say, moving my controller.

"No, cause then you'll just let me win." 

"Then what do we do!?"

"A fair match, completely fair. No chats or anything. Buuuuuut- We raise the stakes." he says with a smug grin, "If I lose, you have to make me a sandwich. If you lose, you have to kiss somebody in the hotel."

"Wait wait wait- I thought you said this was a fair match? Why is my punishment worse than yours!?" 

"Because I hate making sandwiches. Plus, didn't you say you were a pro?"

I roll my eyes.

"Not the best logic, but you know what? It's a deal. Challenge accepted." I say, grabbing my controller and holding it tightly. Pickle laughed and picked up his controller. He selected the level, then started the battle.

I started off pretty strong but, for some reason, I just kept looking at Pickle every once in a while. He was deep into the game, his eyes shone with determination. He wore a slight smirk, one that I'd lik-

what am I thinking!? I'll lose at this rate. 

I focused in on the game again, for only about a minute.

But... If I lose... I have to kiss someone in the hotel... And Pi- 

I shake my head harshly and look back at the game. But... It was already over.

"HECK YEAH! I WON!" Pickle shouts, raising his fist in the air in triumph. 

"Oh-" I only just then realized my mistake and what I got myself into.

"So Knife looks like I won, and you know what that means!" 

"Heh, I think I know what it means more than you do, Pickle." I replied, feeling my face heat up a bit. He looked at me with a confused expression.

"Uh, no?? I said you have to kiss someone in the hotel if you lost. And you lost so-" Pickle stopped for a second after he noticed how much I was blushing, "Wait...."

I closed my eyes tightly and leaned in towards Pickle to kiss him. I felt Pickle push me a little bit, and I stopped. I opened my eyes.

"Gosh dude, you made it so awkward. This is how you go in for a kiss." Pickle said, wrapping his arms around me and kissed me. I was a little bit surprised, but hey, I wanted to kiss him didn't I?


Lol, I love the thought of Knife being like, too flustered and stuff. AAAA

also, this wasn't really knife being 'in character' because we all know he's got that soft spot for Pickle ;3

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