short Lightbrush thing

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idk oneshots are short right?? Im tired af and idk what to do so-


"It feels so... Quiet you know?" Lightbulb asks Testtube, who was working on another one of her projects.

"I know exactly what you mean. After Fan, Paintbrush, and the rest of our team were eliminated, there's just... No one to talk to." Testtube replies, letting out a sigh. Lightbulb nods in agreement.

"I miss Baxter, and Painty..." She rests her face on her hand, "They're the only ones who liked talking to me about stuff, before me and you started hanging out... I wonder how they're doing.... Back at the hotel..."

Test tube stopped tinkering with her invention and stared at it for a few moments, before turning to face lightbulb.

"Knowing them, Baxter probably would be watching what Paintbrush does and maybe waving or drumming it's claws, and Paintbrush... Gee, I'm not really sure what he'd-"


"Oh! Sorry- What they'd be doing.... Maybe Painting?? Helping Fan with his blog? I don't really know."

Lightbulb lightly tapped her fingers on the counter she was leaning on. Testtube turned back around to work on her project again, grabbing a battery-powered screwdriver from the drawer next to her. She screws one side of a panel onto her creation, then holds it down with her finger as she screws in the other side. Lightbulb stopped tapping her fingers, her face lighting up.

"I know what I can do!" Testtube jumps slightly at Lightbulb's sudden exclamation.

"What?" She asks her, turning towards her eccentric friend again. Lightbulb stands up, her excitement causing her to glow brighter.

"I can go visit Painty!!! I can bring some of the crystals I found in the cave after I got that one funky gem!!"

"Well, yeah you could! All you'd have to do is-"

"So I'll leave really late at night, about 11-ish, when it's really dark. And I'll sneak my way on over to the hotel, not making a sound. Then I'll figure out which window is to Painty's room, I'll climb up to it, and BOOM! I'll get to hang out with them all night until morning." Lightbulb smiles proudly, as if it was the best idea in the world.

"Wh- Or you could just ask MePhone4 if it's okay to go to the hotel for a while. It's not that complicated."

"Testtube, you know your girl here's got a perfect plan. You don't have to make another one."

"But I don't think-"

"Well anyways, I should get going. I have to find where I put those little rubies I found the other day... Bye TestTube!!" She skips out the door, leaving Testtube and whatever the rest of her sentence was going to be, behind.

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