"Sticky Notes and Paper Cuts" OJ x ?????

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I freaking love this ship so gosh dang much oml. Thank you to who requested this. Also, I'm not revealing the ship till the end because it's anonymous >;3


I woke up to the sound of a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I grunted.

"It's Trophy." The voice at the other side irritably snapped. I groaned.

"What is it!?" I questioned, getting up and stretching.

"Mail's here." Trophy concluded. I sigh and quickly take off my sleeping cork and opened the door.

Trophy had apparently left, leaving the delivery envelope standing by the front counter awkwardly. I speed walk to the counter and waved.

"Hi Letter, sorry for the wait..."

"Oh it's all right! I did come early today... Sorry to wake you!" she squeaks. She opens her satchel and dig through it.

"It's alright. I usually get up earlier anyways." I shrugged. She nods and hands me a few letters.

I look at the names they were addressed to, when Letter puts a decent sized box onto the counter.

"Alrighty! That's all!" She declares, she bounced out the door to deliver the rest of the mail she had.

I stared at the box.

"Who's this for?" I wondered. I put the few envelopes i had into the small mailboxes for each room, then pick up the box to check who it was addressed to. I was surprised to find that it was extremely light. I look over it and finally find the sticker that says the address and such.

Orange Juice

Hotel OJ, 1510 Road

II Island, 14113

But there was no return address...

I go back into my room and close the door behind me. I sit down on the couch and put the box on the coffee table in front of me. I grab my box cutter and slice the tape off the top of the box.

Inside of the box was a bunch of sticky notes, notecards, lined pieces of paper, and heart shaped cutouts made of construction paper. Upon closer inspection i notice that they all had some sort of writing on them. I pick one up and raise it to my face to read it.

Hi OJ! You're probably not ever going to read this because my handwriting sucks and I'm a coward so I'll probably never send it, but I thought I'd share what I love like about you!!

So, uh, to start, You're super nice and funny and stuff. You smell like oranges and it's really nice. Your voice is really soothing to me... You always try to help others! You could have bought anything with a million dollars but you bought a hotel so that we all could stay together!! It's really cool how............

It went on. I couldn't help but smile. This was so nice... As my eyes scanned the page it got harder and harder to read. The handwriting became more scribbly and smeared. I looked down to the bottom of the page.


Someone who loves you!

I couldn't read the name of who it was from due to the streaky lines. Also, it seemed to be scribbled out too,,, I put down the sheet and pick up one of the sticky notes. On it was a small sketch of what seemed to be me. It had hearts around it and was done in pen. The lined were again, scribbly, but I could tell what it was supposed to be. I put it down and pick up one of the note cards.

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