Fan X TT "Flower Garden"

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Fan sat on his phone, updating his blog as always. He got Trophy to send him some pictures of many different contestants and some of the scenery. It really helped Fan to have Trophy sending him some of the pictures he took, now Fan could add them to his blog!

Fan opened up the blog and immediately started editing things, posting things, adding little details to everything... After a while of just decorating the entry page to his blog he figured that he should add some information and pictures from what had recently happened at the hotel and on the show and such. Even though he was eliminated, Fan just couldn't keep himself from wondering what was happening on the show while he was gone. He constantly was waiting for another episode, but the episodes seemed to take forever.

Fan started editing the bios of the contestants still on the show. He wanted to make sure they were up to date with episode 13, the episode he was eliminated on.

He clicked on the tab with his name and began editing.

'Fan, although smart, was the most recently eliminated contestant of Inanimate Insanity Season 2. In episode thirteen he did seem to learn a few things.'

He smiled to himself. He remembered the kindness Suitcase showed him even though they had used to be on different teams.

'Fan realised that not everything was about the show. Not everything revolved around the contestants in the show. He realised that sometimes you just need to open up. If you don't let yourself out of your shell, someone else will try to. Even though it's hard, you have to let the shell crack. You have to break your shell so you can become something greater than an egg. You have to let yourself hatch sometimes.'

As he wrote down these words he started tearing up. When he wrote it down, it kind of became a reality. A reality that he had to accept. He saved the new bio of himself, then went to work on the Contestants that were still in the game.






And TestTube...

When Fan went to work on the page dedicated to TestTube he realised that the photo he used for her was outdated and was very bad quality. He laughed when he remembered that he tried to take it when she was studying his egg and had gotten startled by Paintbrush. He still kept the photo and put it up for some reason he didn't understand.

Fan opened his files to replace her picture. He opened the folder labeled 'II photos from Trophy' and opened the folder labeled 'TT' that was inside. As he scrolled through the pictures of TestTube, he felt weird. He felt a bit sad because he remembered the fight they had before he went into the elimination portal, but that wasn't the only feeling there? He felt something else but he couldn't really describe it. Like a warm feeling, mixed with memories from when they competed together. It felt good.

He continued looking through the photos of TestTube, forgetting why he was looking at them in the first place.

PaintBrush opened the door to the hotel room they shared with Fan. They were surprised to see Fan laying on his bed staring at his computer. He looked happy, but sad at the same time. Painty walked into the room and shut the door. They put their stuff next to their bed and walked over to where Fan was. They looked over his shoulder to see what he was looking at.

"Uh Fan? Why are you staring at pictures of TT?" they ask, crossing their arms. Fan jumps slightly in surprise.

"W-what?" He asks as he sits up and closes his laptop.

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