Strumming the Guitar (DESPACITO)

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1846 words wow oml

The next one I post SHOULD be Pen X Pencil. (I'm not a fan of the ship but imma do it anyways cause idek)


I woke up to the sound of a knock at the front door. I pushed myself to sit up and swung my legs over the side of the bed. I could hear my Brother answer the door and let someone in. I slid onto the floor and attempted to stand up, using my arm as a balance. I put most of my weight onto my left leg because of the lack of weight in that side of my body. I could hear someone running up the stairs towards my room. I could tell that it was Cinna, every other step was a loud sound like metal hitting the wooden stairs. Which it was... I took a step towards my door, still keeping my right arm on my bed to hold myself up. I hissed under my breath, annoyed at how hard it was for me to just WALK. I've been walking my whole life, not having a left arm or eye shouldn't change that. The door of my room opened, Cinna was standing on the other side.

"Cinna! Whats up?" I say, sliding back to sit on my bed again. She came in and put down a guitar which I assumed was hers. She sat on the bed next to me and gave me a side hug.

"Not much to be honest. Nothing fun seems to happen when I know you're stuck up here..." She shrugs. I half heartedly laugh.


"You okay by the way?" she asks, looking over me. I sigh.

"I'm as good as I can be... The only problem is that I can't walk anymore for some reason... And I can't even stand for longer than a couple minutes anymore..." She thinks to herself for a second when I finish.

"Well, you have been stuck in bed for a couple weeks now. You must not be getting any exercise which will make your muscles weaker. Maybe you need to start some physical therapy."

"Ughhhhh...." I groan, "But I hate going to doctors and stuff and have people I don't even know tell me what to do and move me around and stuff... It's so weird..." I flop back onto my bed.

"Well, if you don't want to be stuck in bed for the rest of your life you need to have some sort of exercise and the best way to start building muscle after if gets that weak is to go to physical therapy." She continues, crossing her arms. I put my arm over my face.

"UGhhhhhhhh. But you're smart. You know stuff about exercise and whatever- Can't you just help me exercise instead of some total stranger??"

"I can't help you unless you want to be helped." She says justly. I sigh.

"FINE- I'll do exercises and stuff as long as I don't have to go to some stranger for it."

"Good. Now get on the floor, you need to stretch your legs before you try to strengthen them, otherwise you're going to have sore legs for the next week."

"Wait- You want me to start now!?" I protest.

"Nah, I'm just messing with you, but still get off your bed let's sit in the beanbags." She goes and sits down in one of two beanbags I had in my room. I grab my notebook and slide off my bed, then do my best to walk the the beanbag before just falling onto it. As I get myself back up I see Cinna grab my notebook.

"What's this? I've never seen you with this before..." She opens it and flips through it. I felt fear flash through my head. I slapped the book out of her hand, she jumped.

"Wh- Dorito what the heck?" She grabs the book off the floor, "What's so bad in this book huh? Why don't you want me to read it?"

"Cinnaaaaaaa...." I reach up to grab it but she holds it farther away from me.

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