Fractions and Decimals - Tengolf [BFB]

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Yo look the shortest story on earth-


Okay okay okay...

I really like Golfball...

It- I don't know how to tell her???

I thought she was going to say something about it when she said it was getting warm but I guess not...

I can't stop... Thinking about her....??

She's so tiny and adorable and whenever she smiles I just can't even help but react. it makes me so happy.

I just want to give her kisses and tell her everything about her that I love and just how adorable she is and how amazing and beautiful she is I can't just not do that.

I want to hold her???? And love her???? Because she deserves it????

She trusts me more than everyone else and it makes me so happy??? Shes??? Adorable???? I just gtesdhshtbsrt.

shes so tiny I just want to love her and cuddle her and kiss her and tell her how much I love her and i can't because she probably just want to be friends but I love her so much????

I hear Golfball start to come up the stairs of her laboratory so I quickly close my journal and move it behind me.

"Oh, TB, there you are. I need you to come with me into my underground laboratory. I think all the Lava has drained by now but it would be best if both of us checked to be as thorough as possible."

"Oh- Okay Golfball, sure." I get up and stretch my legs. Golfball notices my journal behind me.

"What is that? I haven't seen that book before? Were you reading it?"

"Oh-! Uh yeah definitely- Its about uhhhhh- Fractions...?"

"Hm, I prefer decimals myself, but okay." She starts leading me down into her lab. 

When we get down to the bottom of the stairs I look around. There didn't seem to be any lava leftover anywhere. 

"So uh, where should I check first...?"

"Nowhere, I just had to think up a random excuse to get some privacy to talk to you."

"Talk to me about... What....?" Oh gosh, there I do again, I'm getting hopeful...

"TB, We've been friends for 3,552 days now... And this is really hard to admit because of how much I've stressed that this is a platonic relationship but...."

Wait crap- is she actually saying what I think she's saying?!?!?

"I... I think I might want more than a friendship with you...." She looks at the ground, her face bright red.

"I- GolfBall-" I didn't know how to speak. She- She actually feels the same way?

"I'd really like if we were more than friends..." I blurt out



........why is it so quiet now.......

"Okay I'll see you upstairs. Also, you'd better not tell anybody about this or... Or we cant kiss or anything!!"

"Alright..." I laugh to myself.

I cant believe she actually liked me back!?!?

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