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Taco looked around, then faced the ground. She felt terrible today. Lollipop might not hate her anymore, but book sure did. And, she felt really bad about Bell. She looked around again...


Bell probably hated her right now.

"I don't want her to hate me...." Taco said to herself, OUT LOUD.

"You don't want who to hate you?" A voice behind her asks. Taco turns around in surprise.

"Oh! Lollipop! It's just you!" Taco said in relief.

"Just me? Who were you expecting? Snowball?" Lollipop replied, sitting down next to Taco.

"I dont know... heh..." Taco replied, smiling weakly. Lollipop looked at taco with her brow arched.

"So, who do you not want to hate you? Book?" Lollipop asked. Taco shook her head.


"Ah..." Lollipop replied, looking at the ground. Taco did the same.

"Why don't you, like, try to apologise?" Lollipop asked.

"I tried that... You saw me try it! That's how you found out I didn't abandon you in the first place!" Taco snapped.

"Oh." Lollipop looked a bit embarrassed. So did Taco, she didn't mean for it to come out so rude. Taco sighed.

"You know what, I'll try it." Taco said, "Just trying it though." Lollipop smiled.

"Best of luck my friend." Lollipop replied. Taco smiled. She got up and walked over to where bell was hanging out. 

Bell, of course, was hanging out with the rest of her team. Taco walks up to them silently. 

"HEY BELL!" Taco yells on accident. Everyone jumps. Bell turned around and was angry to see Taco.

"What do you want!?" 

"Please bell, just this once, let me talk. Then, if you don't like what I say..." Taco sighs, "Then you don't have to talk to me ever again okay?" Bell looks at Taco, then at her team, then the floor. Finally she nods, agreeing to listen to Taco, just this once. Taco leads Bell under a tree, away from the other contestants.

"Look, I know what I did wasn't... Desirable... But, I had to do it... I thought... I thought if I did it, and helped my team, that they wouldn't hate me anymore." Taco sighs and pulls her knees to her face, "I see now that things don't work out that way. If you use someone to get something, you'll only get something worse in return."

Bell looks at Taco, who seemed to be having trouble getting the words out.

"Bell, I'm sorry... I shouldn't have used you like that. I should've, I should've found some other way. And knowing that what I did caused distrust in us, it hurts."


"And I try to pretend that i am a good leader, that i know what i'm doing, that i can always get what i want. But I can't. I can never get anything i want. I never know what to do, and i'd hardly call someone who lets her teammates die just for a challenge is a good leader." She buries her face in her hands, "I'm sorry bell, I'm really really sorry... I know you said sorry doesn't cut it, and I know sorry doesn't cut it... But I am, Bell. I'm truly sorry for what I did, and I wish i could fix it. I wish i could fix all of this mess..."

Bell was at a loss for words. she gazed sympathetically at the sad fish taco. Bell got closer to taco and pressed her face against hers (as in Taco's). Taco moved her hands from her face and looked at Bell, who wasn't shunning her, who wasn't making a rude remark, who wasn't going away angrily.

"I accept your apology Taco..." Bell whispers. Taco smiled weakly and hugged Bell.

"Thank you..."

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