"Gay??" Tren [BFB]

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1133 words omf are you happy? I hadnt updated this book in a while and I come out with a long oneshot uwu. I think I'm focusing too much on the storyline than the ship but whatever-

Human HighSchool AU

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Am I gay?

I'm not really.... Sure??

I mean, yeah, all my 'crushes' have been guys.... But they were all just friends crushes. I never really get any real crushes on people.

As I thought to myself about my possible sexualities and doodled in my math notebook, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I jump a little, waking up from my brain. I look around the class, people are in pairs, talking, some writing on papers.

"Uh, Pen?" whispers and australian accent that I immediately recognise. I look to my left, Tree is standing next to my desk with a small amount of concern written in his expression.

"You okay?" he continues.

"Oh! Yeah! Sorry- I kinda zoned out...." I respond, giving an awkward laugh.

"Okay... Well, Four's letting us work on our homework in class today with partners... Wanna work with me?" I smile at his question.

"Sure!!" I pick up my Pencil and worksheet and follow Tree to his desk. Luckily the person who sat in the desk next to him, GB, was absent so I could sit next to him in her desk.

We both worked efficiently, solving the problems quickly. As we worked though, my thoughts started drifting off again. Tree, actually happens to be one of my 'crushes'. I want to tell him about it, but....

What if he takes it in the wrong way or something?? Like, what if I come off as homophobic??? What if I come off as gay?? I don't even know if I'm gay or not!!

I- I'm fine with being gay... I think...? I don't know... It's kind of stressful... I mean, like i said, all my 'crushes' were on guys... But, also, im not sure whether or not to do anything about my friend crushes... What if it's just hormones or something like that??

Ugh, thinking about this is giving me a headache...

"Oh! I totally forgot to tell you... Pillow is having a party/sleepover thing and is inviting all of deathpact. You should come too, if you haven't heard about it." Tree says, giving me a smile which made my face turn a little pink. I knew pillow obviously, and I love hanging out with the team, it's just.... A sleepover??? Is it really a good idea for me to be sleeping in the same room as tree?!

"Uh... I don't know... Pillow seems like the type of person to want to play those dumb games at sleepovers... Like truth or dare or never have I ever and stuff...." I scratch the back of my head, hoping not to reveal the real reason i wasn't too keen on going.

"Pen, please?? I don't want to go if you're not there. Plus, I'm pretty sure Black Hole is going~!"

Oh right. Have I mentioned that literally the whole school thinks I have a crush on Black Hole?

I shrug in response. I look back down at my worksheet and realised I finished it, so I take it and Tree's worksheet to Four's desk then go back to sit down.

"But yeah, you should come. It wont be the same without you."

"Fiiine... I'll need t o tell my buds first though otherwise they'd never stop texting me."

"Alright. Sounds good!! Class is almost over, so I guess I'll see you there..."

"You too..."

I show up to Pillows house that night. I had a small overnight bag packed with clothes for tomorrow and some PJs. Also I had brought a bag of chips because Eraser told me that thats what youre supposed to to at sleepovers. I hadn't really gone to a sleepover since I was ten, so this was kind of nerve racking. Especially since all of DeathPact was gonna be there.

I knocked on the door and waited. I could hear squealing and laughing, mostly from Bottle and Pillow I guessed. Pillow opened the door, the second she saw me she yanked me inside the house. She let go of me and I stumbled and struggled to keep my balance. I looked around the entryway of the house. There were stairs leading to the upper and lower levels of the house, and there was a kitchen and dining room to the right of the door, a family room to the left.

"Everyone's down stairs! You go down there, I need to grab some snacks." Pillow says, urging me to go downstairs.

"I brought chips-?"

"Oh thanks- There's bowls and stuff in a cupboard downstairs that you can put them in, have Liy show you."

"Oh- uh okay?"

I walk down the stairs, holding the handrail to make sure I didn't fall. I was still a little bit dizzy from when Pillow dragged me inside. I got to the bottom of the stairs and heard talking from one of the rooms at the end of the hall. I walked into it and saw almost all of DeathPact there. Liy was talking with Pie, Tree, and Bottle, as she poured a couple of sodas. Blackhole and Remote were talking as well, but they were on the couch on basically the other side of the room. Music was playing, but it isn't overwhelmingly loud though. I dropped my bag by the door where I saw other bags, and walked to the table Liy was pouring sodas at.

"And I said, 'I think I found my next adventure.' and Stapy looked so frustrated because like, I wouldn't let him come along and-" Liy stopped and looked up at me, "Oh, hey Pen." I waved, not really knowing how to act.

"Oh, Pen! Glad you could make it!" Tree gave me a side hug. I felt my face turn a little pink. I smile and nod in response.

"I brought chips???" I say, putting the chips on the table. Liy goes into a cupboard and pulls out a bowl for them.

"So, Liy, what's the plan for the activities?" Bottle asks. Liy shrugs.

"I came here early to help set up, not to plan the games." Liy snaps. Bottle shrugs.

"The first game is actually going to be spin the bottle." Pillow says from the hall. She walks in holding a box of pizza and an empty glass bottle.

"Eh, I should have seen this coming..." Pie rolls her eyes. I glance at tree. He seemed to be staring at the floor.

"Okay but I hate spin the bottle what the heck" Liy crosses her arms.

"Too bad, we're playing it" Pillow sits on the ground and puts the bottle arms length in front of her.

Tree had to go first so he spun the bottle. Obviously I had 'greeat' luck and it landed on me. He leaned over and gave me a little kiss then looked at my flustered face.

Now I know the answer to the question I'd been asking myself all day.

"Tree- I'm g-gay!!" I blurt out.

"Me too Pen, you wanna start dating?"

And then pillow fangirled bc this was obviously her plan all along.

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