Nightwing ( Dick Grayson ) [SMUT] Halloween Special

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Ok so Two People Requested a Dick Grayson Smut but I am also going to make this my Halloween special so I can kill two birds with one stone and this was done ahead of time because I am still working on my costume, believe it or not :( but it's almost done, but enough of that here's my third smut shot. I hope you enjoy it.

Requested by- TwentyOnePaladins   and    nightravenxx

Warnings- Language, Serious Smut,

Dick- 23

Y/N- 23

Y/B/F- Your Best Friends name


"Hey Y/N", "Y/N are you listening" I turn to my friend "of course" she stares at me "really then what did I say" I smile "all I heard was party" she smiled "good you were at least somewhat listening". I shrug at her "I was just thinking ok, it's almost Halloween I have to figure out was I want to be" She chuckled "of course you do girl and we have to look fierce" I smirk "don't we always" she laughs and we turn at her corner and she walks up her steps and then we hear someone clear their throat and we turned to see Grayson and we both blushed 'right, forgot he was walking home with us' I giggle "sorry, Dick forget you were there" she rolled his eyes and we both waved to Y/B/F as she went inside her apartment.

Me and Grayson continued on to my house, we were all out getting coffee and went to the mall together since we've been best friend for a while. Well Y/B/F and Dick have been best friends since Middle school and then in the last year close to graduation I came to there school and we all became best friends. THat's how it been from the start of high school since the end of college, since we all got out so early since we were all on honour roll 'there isn't a rule that says I can't be friends with the smart kids and the cool kid'. 

"Did you even here what Party it was Y/N" I shrugged "I am assuming it's a Halloween party and let me guess you family is hosting it" he smirks you really are amazing even if you don't listen to a lot of the stuff we say" I blush "I try" he chuckles and looks around before pulling my arm and pulling us into an abandoned alleyway.

I laugh "what are you doing" he chuckled and moves closer to me only to place kisses on the side of my neck so I smile. This is the thing that's weird about my and Dick, were not dating but we both like each other it's noticeable but Y/B/F doesn't see it but it's been going on since junior year but neither of us have made a move thinking that it might ruin our friendship. 

We do ocasanaly do small things like this but nothing serious, he pulls back after a while and looks at me "is something wrong" I sigh and smile "nothing wrong, let's just get to my place" he smirks and I roll my eyes "not in that way" he pout but walks out and grabs my hand so I chuckle "so what are you going as Grayson" he looked as me "well I was hoping I could do a pair out costume with you but Y/B/F as taken you" I laugh "better luck next time Gray" he chuckles "what are you going as, or has the fierce team not thought of a costume".

"We haven't thought of one but, I have an idea in mind" he smirks "do I get to know what it is" I smirk at his and we get to my apartment and lean in close to his neck and his breath hitched "I guess you'll have to wait and see Gray" I pulled back and went in my door but not before blowing his a kiss.

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