Red Hood ( Jason Todd )

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Ok so I have been wanting to write this one since before Christmas so here it is

Just a heads up this will mostly be in Jason's P.O.V




Ok so I have been trying to find a way to tell Jay that i'm pregnant but I don't just want to come out and tell him 'hey Jay i'm pregnant' you just don't come out and say something that big, I haven't told anyone yet but I was gonna tell Dick. Dick has been my best friend forever,he's the reason I met Jay and then we started dating then we got married and now life's great for me. Jay is protective he has been ever since we started dating but lately I have been feeling like he thinks i'm going to leave him, so now I have to find out a way to tell him i'm pregnant and I have to talk to him about this.

As soon as i heard the doorbell I jumped but then I rushed to the door and I opened it without thinking until I was met face to face with the prince of crime in Gotham, The Joker my eyes widen and I was going to close the door and call Jay but I was frozen. Jay told me what happened to him all those years ago when he was Robin, but the Joker sprayed his flower and gas came out I then tried to run but my vision started to get blurry and I passed out.

Jason's P.O.V

I was working late With Dick and Bruce and Tim and Damian were up stairs so when we were finally making progress the screen started to go out and then it came on a black screen until the Joker popped up so Dick called Damian and Tim down "Well hello city of Gotham I have a new game tonight and a new contestant" then he turned the Camera and my heart dropped at the sight of Y/N tied to a chair and covered in blood 'not again, not again especially so her' I felt Dick put a hand on my shoulder.

 He was her best friend and i'm glad for that because I would have never met her, and I don't know what I would do without her in my life "her name will be a secret until the end of the game but how about we play and wait and see how long it is until Batsey comes with his family of birds, right Harley".

He then turned the camera to Harley "right Mr.J" then he turned the camera back to Y/N and no she had two bombs on the right and left side of her chair now then he took off the gag "your going to pay for this" Y/N mumbled he frowned "sorry I didn't hear that, what was that you said" she then looked up and glared at him "I said you going to pay for this, it's ok if you don't understand me clowns don't get much education" he slapped her "I would watch that tongue of yours".

Y/N then spit out blood and shut up so he smiled and put the gag back on her then Y/N started twisting her wrist but it was too tight for her the Joker turned the camera back to him "well Bat family you have..." he then looked at his watch "oh yes you have 5 hours to find her or I think you know what comes next" he then started to do his signature laugh and the video cut and Bruce started to track her but I knew where she was she hinted to it when she was talking to him 'education' she's at Gotham University so I grabbed my helmet but just as I was going to go find Y/N Dick stopped me.

"Where are you going we don't even know where she is, I know you want to get her back but we can't go and be reckless" I gave him a small smile "Y/N is clever she was hinting where she was when she talked to the Joker, Bruce back me up here" he turned in his chair "he's right Y/N's at Gotham University, Damian, Tim get suited up and go with Jason and Dick" Damian and Tim went to get ready but I didn't have time to wait to I went to the bikes and I climbed on one and started the engine and looked at Dick.

"Don't even think your going without me" I smirked at him "what happened to not being reckless" he just smirked back and he got a bike and we both took off speeding down the streets not even caring if Tim and Damian catch up or not.

Time Skip

When we got there Damian and Tim arrived a few minutes after us and we split up and I went with Dick, while Damian and Tim went together we still had 3 hours so as we kept looking I had to ask something important "did you know what was going to happen when you introduced me and Y/N" he kept walking "to be honest, I had a feeling but I didn't know for sure" I smiled at him "thank you" he looked at me confused "for what" I chuckled "for bringing Y/N into my life she great" he smiled at me and nodded "hey what are brothers for" I smirked and we kept looking until we found Y/N

"Y/N" Dick took the gag off "Jay Thank god, I was beginning to think you wouldn't come for me" me and Dick chuckled and Time and Damian came and Tim was disarming the bombs while Joker started to fight us but Bruce showed up and took care of Joker while Time got both Bombs disarmed and all in all we all got out and we made sure there was no other bones in the city after that we took Y/N and went back to the manor.

I took off all my gear and I went back up to my old room where I put Y/N before and when I got there she wasn't there but she came out of the bathroom a couple minutes later and her eyes widen when she saw me "what's wrong" she turned her head away from me "nothing" she then got under the covers and I sighed.

 'shell tell me eventually so I put my arm around her waist but she moved and I looked at her in confusion and she then turned around to me and laid her head on my chest and sighed and mumbled something I didn't pick up "what" she then straddled me and I put my hands on her hips.

She took in a breath "i'm pregnant Jay" my eyes widen "wha- what" she turned her head and I sat up a little and she got off me and I turned to her and caressed her check she looked up at me "i'm pregnant, I was pregnant before I was kidnapped though" I looked at her in worry "and, now" she smiled.

 "I just called the doctor she said the she can't know for sure until I come in for a check up but she said if there was no savvier damage to my stomach everything should be fine" she was crying so I smiled at her and hugged her and pulled away and pulled her lips to mine and we both pulled away and she put her forehead on mine "I love you Jay" she smiled at me and I smiled back "I love you too Y/N"

Time Skip Y/N's P.O.V

We went to the doctors to see if everything was still good with the baby and it was so Jay was so happy and then we told the others and they were all happy for us even Damian and Dick promised to help us with whatever we need before and after the baby was born, I had my talk with Jay and I promised him that I would never leave him no matter what happens and everything has been great and Joker was locked away Jay made sure of that.


Well I hope you enjoyed this one, remember to Stay Whelmed

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