Impulse ( Bart Allen )

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Ok so I just love this picture so much you can really see his eyes so I decided to write a one shot that will go with it so I hope you enjoy

Bart- 15

Y/N- 15


Flashback (You and Bart are 13 right now)

Me Nathaniel and Bart were fixing up the time machine and me and Nathaniel stepped out of the way while Bart made the final touches I put a hand on Bart's shoulder "I don't want you to go, and your not even gonna take me with you". He sighed and stood up and hugged me "sorry only room for one" I pull back "and you know that this is a one way trip you won't even get to see me anymore" he pulled me in for a kiss and I pulled away and walked back to Nate's side.

Bart was done fixing everything and he was ready for departure, I don't want him to go sure I would love for the future to change but I love him I was deep into thoughts before I felt lips on mine so I calmed down and relaxed into the kiss and then he pulled away I smiled "I love you so much Y/N", I stare back into his eyes "I love you too Bart" he smiled and then sighed and turned back and got in the machine and waved and the door closed and I didn't even notice tears were coming out of my eyes but I ignored it and then the Time Machine disappeared.

Nate started to cheer and I saw his collar was removed but I noticed everything was the same "Nate" he stopped and took a look around "everything supposed to change right" he nodded "it it didn't work" my mouth parted "The mode was supposed to crash" I nodded still in the daze. I wiped away my tears "Nate I need a favor".

End Of Flashback

Time Skip (ok now Bart and Y/N are 15)

Bart's P.O.V

Everything was running smoothly now that the invasion was over (Wally is still alive) I was walking to the main room until I heard an alarm go off so I ran there and once I go there it look exactly like how I came but, they couldn't have built another time machine.

Y/N is still always on my mine and I would love to go back to her but I can't so then the machine landed and the door open and Nightwing and most of the team was there even Wally and Artemis and now the person I wanted to see the most hopped out and smiled, Y/N.

They all held up their weapons but started to put them down when I walked over to her her eyes widen "BART" she hugged me and hugged back "I missed you so much" she pulled away "I missed you too" I kept my arm around her waist and when I turned back to the team they all looked confused and Gar spoke up first "who is she" I smiled and looked at Y/N and looked back to them "she's my girlfriend" most of them looked shocked Y/N rolled her eyes "my names Y/N".

Bart turned to me "what about Nate" I frown "I had to come but he stayed, it's been two years that you've been without me and you wanna get all sad, would you have rather him have come and me stayed beca-" his lips cut me off and I giggled "that's more like it" he chuckled "i'm sorry, you know i've missed you" I put a hand over my heart "awww how lucky I am to have you"he smiled Jamie still looked shocked while some of them left and Megan and Artemis stayed "dude you never mentioned a girlfriend, you of all people".

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