Chapter 9

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Perrie's friends are really nice, everybody is exactly as nice and funny as Perrie! Well except one, a girl named Leigh- Anne. She almost seems mad at me, but I've done nothing wrong so maybe she's just a bitter person. Maybe she's just jealous that Perrie lives with me and not her? Although the other 2 girls Jade and Jesy is really nice, we talk like we've known each other for a decade.

"Sooooo, one direction is playing in one week! We must go see them!"

Jade almost screams the words out, the whole diner turns around.

" Jade seriously? Who are these guys even? I've never heard a single song and can't remember a single of their names although you've told me a thousand times. Sorry but I'm not going to put money on this. I need to save and you know it"

Perrie almost sounds mad, what is she saving for?

She isn't moving away from me, is she?

Then I remember Zayn, one of the actual members of one direction. Zayn who pretended like I was he's girlfriend just this night. I could ask him to give the other girls tickets too... Yeah I really should, that will give me a reason to talk to him again, as well. Nailed it!

" you know girls, i think I can get us all free tickets to their concert at 02 arena"

I can't keep myself from smiling.

" are you serious Jessie? I love you if u can do that really!"

Jade runs over to me and hugs me tightly.

" jade don't kill her! How can you get tickets for free then? Would love to see you try."

It's Leigh-Anne, of course... Although she told jade to not kill me and that's pretty nice, isn't it?

" ehm I..."

Should I tell them about Zayn?

" I actually sat beside Zayn Malik from one direction on the plane from America, and he promised me a ticket so I'm sure he can get you girls one too"

Yes there i told them, well not everything though, I'll keep that for later.

" are you kidding me? Oh my gosh! Perrie I absolutely love your room mate, she almost know Zayn Malik!"

Jade grabs Perries head and kisses her forehead.

" do you listen to one direction Jessie?" Perrie turns towards me.

"Actually no! I don't know who any of the guys are except Zayn, and I know who he is because the girl next to me freaked out on the plane"

Both me and Perrie laughs. At this point Jade doesn't laugh, she cries in happiness. Well look at me, making people cry on my first day here!

The rest of the lunch goes fast by and suddenly me and Perrie are back at our suite.

" shouldn't you go talk to that Harry boy?"

Perrie lifts her eyebrows while looking suspicious at me.

" yeah i should, shouldn't i? This will sound really dorky, but I'm a bit nervous about it!"

Did I just tell my new friend that I'm nervous to go and talk to our neighbour? I'm such a loser!

" well I would be too! He's going to ask you to dinner, I mean he's totally interested in you Jessie! But you know what? Every time I'm nervous, I think of all the good things that will come out of it and then I just go! "

Perrie is so understanding, she's already convinced me to go! If I would have been here alone I wouldn't go, I'm sure of it. I would come up with a lame excuse the day after, like " oh I forgot" but not this time.

I look at myself in the mirror, put my hair in a messy bun and then I take off towards suite 56.

Knock knock.

No answer.

Knock knock.

Harry opens the door, with just a towel around his waist.

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