Chapter 10

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Namjoon POV

I woke up to my head hurting "Gah, I need to go to the doctors too," I groan as I sat up and rubbing my temples. After a while I got up "I need to take it easy today," I said to myself "What to make for the girls, what to make," I asked myself while walking into the kitchen, I looked in the pantry, fridge and cupboards finding what I could find. Finally, I whipped out pancake batter and got to work. I heard steps and a yawn, I looked where the was coming from and it was a sleepy Hana coming my way "Hey," she said with a raspy voice "Morning," I replied, then I felt arms around my torso and a small head leaning against my back. I smiled "I hope you like pancakes because I made pancakes for you little sis," I said as I flipped a pancake and then I put the pancake on a plate that had already have a tower of pancakes. "Where's Taylor?" I asked her "She's sleeping like always," she replied "Of course. It reminds me of a certain someone," I said, I looked at her "Shut up!" She playfully said and ate her pancakes.

After a while I stopped and ate, then I heard another set of footsteps "What smells good?" Taylor asked "Pancakes, come and sit down and have some," I said and pointed at a plate with a stack of pancake on it. "Thanks, Namjoon~," She said with a smile "At least you did make a whole reck of the kitchen this time," Hana said "Hey! But true," I said while stuffing a pancake in my mouth. "Did you pack Taylor?" I asked her "Yeah I'm packing like right now," she said "Oh, just be ready," I said "I will," she said, "By the way, Hana never told me where you were going, where are you going?" I asked her. "Oh, yeah I'm going to stay at Tae's house because I'm going to work in the same business as him," Taylor said "Oh ok, what are you going to work as? A model like Tae is?" I asked "Actually, yeah I am," she said "Oh cool," I said and continued eating.

*Later that day*

Yoongi POV

"Gaahh," I groaned from boredom while looking up on the ceiling on my chair. I was trying to look for inspiration for a song that's deadlined by next week. I get a call from Namjoon. "Hello?" I asked "Hey Hyung, my deadline tomorrow for a song do you mind if I come over to your house?" He asked me. "Y-Yeah I think that should be fine and my deadline is by the end of next week so it's perfect," I said "Okay I'm just gonna go your house now, I will see you later," he said and the call ended. I got off my chair and slowly procrastinated with cleaning up the house because I was tired. "Hello? Yoongi it's me Namjoon," Namjoon said as he was knocking the door, I opened the door for him and stepped back so he can come in. He came and he put food on the kitchen counter "What did you bring?" I asked while closing the door and walking towards the kitchen. "Oh I just brought some fried chicken," he said while unpacking stuff.

*After they ate*

Author POV

They helped each other with the songs and completed them before their deadlines. It was four hours ever since they went to work, and they were writing a song called 'Spring Day.' It was about their relationship as friends and their journey as becoming songwriters. It was time for Namjoon to go after he left Yoongi started to clean up the mess they made and started listening to music. Meanwhile at when Namjoon came back "Are you ready?" He asked Taylor "For what?" She asked him "Ready to have Tae and you going to places around the world together," he replied "Oh, of course, I am! How can I not?" She said. Namjoon took her luggage and dragged it to the car then putting it into the boot of the car "Wait for me!" Hana said rushing to the car sitting at the back with Taylor "Y'all got your seat belts buckled?" Namjoon asked them "Yeah," they both said at the same time. They finally got to Tae's house, it was massive like a mansion with like a pool in the front yard and everything. They got out of the car and saw Tae standing in front of the door waiting for Taylor "You're here! Welcome!" He said to Namjoon and Hana as he rushed to hug Taylor and kissed her on the cheek "Of course we did! How was Taylor supposed to get here? By bus in the dark by herself?" Namjoon chuckled.

Tae invited them inside and they unpacked Taylor's things. Namjoon and Hana left, before leaving Taylor rushed to Hana "I'm gonna miss you!" She said while hugging her, Taylor stopped and rushed to Namjoon and hugged him "Thank you for letting me stay!" She said. Namjoon and Hana arrived back at Namjoons apartment, they both got ready to go to bed and then slept.

*A few months after*

Hana POV

I got a text from Faith.


Hey, I just got Yoongi's phone number and made him block Jia's number.

Hey, that's good but how did you make Yoongi block Jia's number?

I hacked into his phone. It was kind of easy. Now he might able to text to you more often than ever.

That's good for now, thanks a lot! ❤️

No worries, I got you, girl. 😉

I've been texting him more for the past few months and it's nice, our conversations gotten deeper. I hope he falls for me soon.

Omg, I'm sorry for not updating that fast. I have tests coming up this week and I need to study so you guys might have a late update!

Sorry about that. Love you guys.

Bye B's

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