Chapter 17

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Namjoon POV

I left the room and my vision was starting to get blurry. I wiped my tears as I sat on the waiting chairs in front of her room. A hand was placed on my shoulder.

"Hey, I know this again. But I know she will remember you soon," Taehyung reassured me. I looked at him with red, puffy cheeks and then I hugged him. I didn't make a sound, I silently crying on his shoulder.

"Why does this happen to me?" I asked him. There was just silence, but except for people passing by talking about us and how handsome we both were. After I relaxed I went back into the room, I think I looked fine.

"You okay?" Taylor stared at me.

"I'm fine," I lied to her and smiled. Jia was just there sitting up on the hospital bed, I looked at her leg I. I hate it when she gets hurt, I just asked a simple question.

"Are you okay?" I asked and she nodded as she said,

"Yes, I'm fine."

Time flew and the clock was ticking slowly, "Tick. Tick," clock counted ever second, it was quiet.

"Oh look at the time we have to go now, I hope you don't mind us leaving." Taylor said, holding hands with Taehyung. She nodded and I just sat there.

"I will just be here to just jog her memory and translate for her if a doctor comes here," I said with a reassessment. Taylor and Taehyung smiled and left.

After they closed the door, I walked to the edge of her bed and sat down.

"So, do you remember anything about me?" I asked her.

"Umm, I just remember that you're a friend of some sorts to me and to Taylor and stuff," Jia said.

"We went here together," I said to her.

"We did?" Her eyes was widened a little.

"Yeah," I said. We talked for a little while before a doctor came in.

Hana POV

I had the whole apartment to myself. Namjoon said that Yoongi will be checking on me if I was safe, once a while.

"Hey Hana," Yoongi said while opening the door, I turned and smiled.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm fine, you?" He replied.

"Yeah I'm fine," I said, he sat on the couch next to me. We've been really close to the point that I think that Yoongi might like me. Good.

I yawned and stretch my arms and ended up putting my head on Yoongi's lap. He smiled at me and wiped a few strands of hair that was covering my eyes.

"How's life? I mean, living life to the fullest?" I asked him. He stayed silence, our eyes locked. Shi-. He just leaned forward onto my forehead and pecked it lightly. My ears were a little red and my cheeks to. He chuckled. I smiled and got my little revenge, I kissed his cheek. Now he to was also a little red.

"I like it when I get to see you," Yoongi said.

"I like it when I see you too," I replied and he looked at his Rolex. Weird flex but ok, I sat up.

"I got to go," he stood up and grabbed his stuff and left. I stood up to close the door until I get a text. Namjoon?

Hey, so Jia was rushed to the hospital.

Wait, WHAT?! Is she okay? What happened?!

She's doing fine and she was in a car accident, just after she met her friend m. A bystander helped her and called a ambulance in time.

That's good and do you know was the person who drove the car?

No, not yet but we'll find him and get justice.

Hopefully. Do you want me to tell the other about this?

That would be better then coming back without saying a word about the incident.

Okay, I will sure tell them.

😄❤️ you're my favourite and best little sister I could ever have.

I'm your only sibling and love you too

Shut up- be grateful that I'm in a relaxed mood Rn.

Okay and wait what-

Well I gotta go, bye.

Okay bye.

Now I want to find out more on what happened to her. Well life can't be that way. I closed the door and flopped back onto the comfortable couch that was now my bed for the rest of the day. Once my head hit that pillow I was out.

Bystander POV

I visited Jia a few days after she had an operation. I knocked and opened the door.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey Taeyong," She saids and smiles at me, she's prettier when she smiles. She slowly sits up as I go to sit on the chair that's next to her. I admire her beauty as the sun's warmth and light shown on her. Is this like a anime now? Well, she's pretty anyways.

"Are you doing well?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'm doing better then last time I guess," she said.

"That's good to hear," I smiled at her.

"Thanks for helping me," She said.

"No problem and I can't let a girl who just got hit by a car alone without feeling guilty for no helping," I said. There was awkward silence, until I asked

"So why are you in America for?"

"Oh here for my friend who's on a business trip, he had an extra ticket so I took the chance to go to America," she replied.

"Oh really?" I said.

"Yeah," She said, then the doctor came in.

"Sorry I have to stop your conversation, but I need to do another test on her to make sure she's ok." He said in English, we both nodded our heads and then I waved at Jia and left the room.

Dang this chapter was later then I expected. It's probably it was hard to do DTNA (Dance The Night Away) and I kinda uploaded it a little bit late.

It's almost Christmas. Merry early Christmas!

Bye B's

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