1 ⠸summer storm

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4:36 pm

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4:36 pm.

a flash outside his window made johnny look up from the half-completed photography project that was on his computer.

the lightning surprised him, because it was in the middle of summer, and it rarely rained here during this stuffy, warm season.

but in a few seconds after a deafening crack of thunder, the first drop of water fell from the sky, followed by the next. and soon a whole torrent of rainwater was pattering on his window, the droplets rolling down the glass like tiny rivers.

it seemed to be a summer storm.

the sky was a dreary backdrop of gray clouds behind it all, and it felt awfully depressing to johnny.

he never really liked the rain.

johnny would try to avoid it as much as possible, usually preferring a bright sunny day when heading out of his apartment. the very thought of stepping into endless puddles of water and getting his socks and shoes all soaked was already pretty daunting for him, let alone getting drenched by rainwater if he was without his umbrella.

even watching it rain like this from indoors was distracting enough for johnny. he frowned as he walked to his window and proceeded to close it. he moved on to drawing his curtains.

but something caught his eye.

or someone.

all johnny could make out was a small figure near the entrance of the park opposite his apartment.

the figure did not carry an umbrella, nor was it rushing to find shelter at all, despite the fact that there was a small vacant pavilion just a few metres away.

the person just stood there, unmoving, under the unending torrent of rainwater pouring down from the sky.

the wall of water splashing against his window, and the lack of light due to the dark clouds overhead prevented johnny to recognise any other details of the person standing in the rain.

johnny only furrowed his eyebrows further in confusion as he tore his eyes away from the mysterious person, finally shutting all signs of the storm out with a swish of his curtains.

but a question lingered in johnny's mind.

why would anyone want to be in the rain ?

heyyy welcome welcome :D the first few chapters are pretty short so i'll do daily updates :>>

hope everyone's having a great day/night !! much love ♡

yx :3

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