7 ⠸stubborn storm

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a small smirk started to spread across the boy's pretty face, "true, but i don't mind getting to know you too, though

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a small smirk started to spread across the boy's pretty face, "true, but i don't mind getting to know you too, though."

at this, johnny couldn't help but let a goofy smile dominate his features as he nodded and said, "so... friends ?"


"uh... i think we'd better go, then."

"to where ?"

"to your place ? not that we're that close but like, i can walk you home."

suddenly, there was a guarded look in the boy's eyes, "its okay, you don't have to."

"but i want to."

"the rain hasn't ended," the boy pointed out.

"and that's why i need you to get home now and not catch a cold," johnny said, exasperated.

the boy looked up at johnny with defiant eyes, "i don't care."

"but i do," johnny said firmly.

however, after seeing no change in the boy's hard expression, the taller gave in, "jeez okay, chill. but can we at least get to a sheltered place and talk ?"

a faint look of relief spread across the boy's face as he heard this.

"fine, suit yourself," he shrugged and followed johnny as the taller made his way towards the small pavilion in the park.

the boy soon lagged behind, as johnny was walking rather quickly for him to keep up.

johnny stopped in his tracks and turned around, gesturing for the shorter to catch up and get under the umbrella.

"is there even a difference ? i'm all wet anyway," the boy stated, letting himself continue getting soaked by rainwater.

the taller sighed. this boy was as stubborn as the storm, and much like the rain pouring mercilessly down on every exposed surface, he refuses to back down from his tough facade and listen.

with a tired smile, johnny rolled his eyes and stepped a few steps back, gently pulling the boy by the wrist into the shelter of the umbrella.

"you're awfully stubborn, you know that ?" johnny said in amusement after letting his hand go.

"yeah, so i've heard," said the boy, giving a proud little smile as if it were a compliment.

walking together, they approached the pavilion, and johnny shut his umbrella, hanging the scarlet object on the wooden back of a bench in the shelter.

after they had sat down next to each other on the bench, johnny took off his coat and placed it over the boy's small shoulders, "you look like you need it."

"no i don't, take it back."

"oh god, stop acting like you're invincible. you're shivering like hell."

at this, the boy puffed up his cheeks with air before letting it out in exasperation, before saying, "okay, fine."

johnny almost smiled in relief when the boy stopped shaking from the cold after wearing his coat a while.

"so what's your name ? we haven't introduced ourselves," the taller began, trying to start a conversation.


"what ?"

now it was the boy's turn to roll his eyes, "yes, you heard me. it's chittaphon. i'm thai."

"oh wow that's pretty cool. i don't really see foreigners around here. and um no offence but can i call you something else cause i'm not confident in my ability to pronounce that," johnny babbled on, trying to hide his awkwardness.

"then just call me ten."

"ten ?"


"why ten ?"

"it was for my dancing career, but everyone i met in korea ended up using it more than my real name."

johnny raised his eyebrows in amazement, "you dance ?"

"well yeah, i was actually a trainee until i got kicked out of my company in seoul and shit. i couldn't handle the cost of living there so i moved here recently. i'm…” ten trailed off, biting his lip. he looked like he was debating something in his mind.

“i’m still finding a job," ten finally finished what he was saying.

"oh," was all johnny managed to say. he was curious to know more, but it seemed like ten didn't want to talk about it, so he didn't ask.

"your turn," ten prompted as he listened to the taller attentively with elbows on his knees and hands cupping his face, squishing his cheeks together in the process.

johnny almost physically busted uwus at the sight. no shit, the boy was hella cute.

"well um, the name's johnny. i work as an intern at a film company here, and... uh i guess that's pretty much it. i'm boring, i know."

however ten's eyes lit up with interest, "oh, so you're a photographer ?"

"yep, you can say that."

"that's not boring."

it was his first time receiving such a compliment, and johnny was a little taken aback, but he still smiled and thanked the other boy.

"ten, can i ask a question ?" johnny enquired.


"uh i have a lot, actually," johnny scratched the back of his neck.

ten chuckled lowly, "i could tell. now shoot."

johnny started by asking the one question that had been bugging him since he first saw ten.

"so why do you keep standing in the rain ?"

oof the questions out

i really wanna publish a nomin fic as well im so hyped for it god damn someone help me handle all my drafts D:

hope yall enjoyed !

have a great day/night
i love youuu

yx :3

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