10 ⠸sheltering him

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4:03 pm

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4:03 pm.

once johnny ran into the lobby and put down his umbrella, he visibly grimaced.

he had completely forgotten that the lift was under repair.

huffing in exasperation, johnny started making his way up the stairs.

"the lift... doesn't work ?" ten mumbled into johnny's shoulders.

the taller shook his head as he climbed the steps, "apparently some idiot had dented the buttonsㅡ don't ask me howㅡ and now they don't work."

when he received no response from the boy on his back, johnny hastened his pace up the stairs.

thankfully, his apartment was only on the second floor. johnny unlocked the door and carefully placed ten down on his bed, not caring if it got wet because of the boy's damp clothes.

ten's eyes were closed, his pretty dark eyelashes standing out on his pale face. johnny sighed in relief. the thai was still conscious. his eyebrows were scrunched up in agony as beads of cold sweat lined his forehead.

johnny's heart ached at the sight of the smaller boy in such a state.

"i'll be back real quickㅡ hang on okay ?" johnny said, receiving a nod from ten.

he left his room to turn up the apartment's heater before returning with a towel.

the taller knelt down beside the bed, wrapping ten in a fluffy pale blue blanket decorated with a pattern of clouds. the small male clutched onto the warm fabric upon contact, curling up into a ball.

johnny wiped ten's face gently and ran the towel through his damp locks in an attempt to at least dry the boy a little first. once ten feels better he can take a warm shower on his own.

"i'll go get some meds and water," johnny told ten and made his way to the kitchen.

fumbling around the cabinets, johnny found a box of panadol and grabbed it along with a glass of warm water, making sure it wasn't too hot.

"here," johnny handed ten the pills and water.

the younger slowly opened his eyes and sat up a bit. he swallowed the pills and went back to lying down on the bed, "thank you," he muttered gratefully to the taller as he closed his eyes again.

"anytime. remember to just call me if you need anything. i'll be just outside. take a warm shower once you're feeling better okay ?" johnny replied, a small smile gracing his lips before he walked to the living room with his laptop in hand.

he still had work to do.

plopping down on the couch and turning on his laptop, johnny sighed as he still hadn't taken any photos for his project.

looking up at his window to the city outside, he realised that it was still raining.

maybe i should stop procrastinating and just go outside for inspiration.

the rain had lessened a little, making it easier for johnny to go out again. he stood up and made his way to the apartment door, grabbing his camera along the way.

suddenly, ten's voice caught his attention.

the boy's voice cracked as he called out, "johnny ?"

the said boy went into his bedroom, "yeah ?"

ten's fingers curled around the blanket tighter when he saw johnny, willing his body to stop shivering, "sorry to bother but...can i have another blanket ? ...i'm still cold."

johnny placed his camera down on the table, dispair clear on his face, "oh, but that's the only one i have..."

"o-oh..." ten mumbled, turning around so that his back was facing the taller, "its okay then, just go do whatever you're about to do."

he was met with silence for a few seconds before he felt a weight press down on the mattress as a pair of arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him against a hard chest behind him.

"is it okay if... i was about to do this ?" johnny asked, his voice coming out as a whisper.

ten felt his breath hitch in his throat, at the intimacy of the situation, but strangely, it felt right.

the smaller had stopped shivering ; he was wrapped in johnny's body heat, and it was comfortable. better than any blanket.

"it... it's okay... i feel warmer now that you're here," ten managed to say.

"i have no other intention," johnny replied earnestly.

ten was glad that the other couldn't see his face at the moment.

he was smiling to himself, cheeks glowing a bright pink.

ten was feeling all soft and warm inside, knowing that he had found someone so honest and kind, who cared for him more than anyone else he had known.

johnny was the umbrella sheltering him from the pouring rain.


btw self promo : if you want a completed luwoo story go check out my fic 'doubt.' if you haven't ! but i think 90% of yall here already did lol

and if you're in for some nomin i just published 'delinquent.' go hype it up ! :>

since i have 2 ongoing fics rn i hope yall can get more updates~

thanks for reading & have a nice day ily ♡

⸺yx :3

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