6 ⠸braving the storm

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it was already saturday

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it was already saturday. johnny had been seeing the same boy in the rain for a week. he would be there every time it rained, except when it was too late, like after midnight.

johnny started to worry for the boy’s health.

but why was he even worried about a stranger ?

johnny didn't know why either.

something about the boy made johnny want to know him as something more than just ‘the boy in the rain’.

3:47 pm.

it started pouring. really hard.

howling winds blew across the small city, and even the trees were swaying, threatening to get pulled out by the roots.

endless raindrops battered johnny's window as he looked out of it, searching for a certain boy.

his silhouette was barely visible behind the silver curtain of rain, but he was there alright.

even in the heaviest storm, he was still in the middle of it, nevertheless.

johnny didn't think twice before grabbing his umbrella and putting on a coat.

don't even talk about catching a cold. if this goes on, he's gonna die of hypothermia.

johnny thought to himself, hurrying down the stairs because the lift was under repair.

downstairs, johnny only felt the full force of the storm when he opened the lobby door and stepped out onto the exposed pavement. an icy gust of wind almost knocked the breath of out him, but he pressed on and proceeded to frantically open his bright red umbrella before he could get wetter.

"jeez, why am i even doing this ?" johnny mumbled to himself as he trudged through the rain.

the umbrella was almost of no use now. johnny was already half soaked by rainwater.

so much for braving the storm.

when he finally approached the entrance of the park, johnny started feeling jumpy as his nerves raced.

he didn't know why meeting a stranger would make him so nervous.

the boy was just a little ahead, with his hands in his pockets and his head down, standing with his back facing johnny. he hadn't noticed him yet.

johnny hesitated a little before going up towards him.

"h-hey," johnny stuttered, moving closer so that the boy was under his umbrella too. he was a little shocked at their height difference, but johnny didn't mind. if anything, he found the smaller boy cute.

the boy turned around and looked up, tiny drops of rainwater falling from his long eyelashes.

recognition registered in his catlike eyes at the sight of the taller, and those pair of eyes were wide with surprise.

"oh, its you," the boy said, his velvety voice slightly muffled by the backdrop of the noisy storm.

"yeah... uh, i keep seeing you standing in the rain," johnny blurted out.

the boy smiled, "yeah. and i keep seeing you around, too."

he remembers me.

johnny bit his lip, unsure of what to say next.

"aren't you cold ?" johnny asked, a hint of concern in his tone.

"you came up to me just to ask this ?" the shorter chuckled, the soft sound drowned out by the sound of the storm.

"well i... yes. i did," johnny mumbled, his face tinted pink.

the boy raised an eyebrow, as if unconvinced, but his face held a hint of a smile at the sight of johnny being flustered.

and they both just stared at each other again, johnny drowning in the dark orbs of the smaller boy.

the awkward silence between them was filled up by the sound of rain.

maybe it wasn't so awkward after all.

snapping out of it, johnny spoke again, frowning, "well you shouldn't be doing this, you know."

"do what ?"

"standing in the rain all the time."

"why not ?"

"you'll get sick ??"

the boy let out a small laugh, "you think i don't know that ?"

"then whyㅡ"

"even if i told you, i don't think you'll actually understand," he shrugged casually, "cause i've seen you. i can tell you aren't exactly very fond of the rain."

johnny hesitated a second before saying, "um just... don't do this again, okay ?"

a pause.

"why do you even care ?"

"because i don't want you to fall sick," johnny was surprised at how easily those words rolled off his tongue. they weren't words anyone would say to a mere stranger.

the boy only looked at him in slight confusion.

"don't take this the wrong way but i guess i just wanna get to know you," johnny confessed truthfully, "you're... interesting."

"and you're weird as hell," the shorter stated simply.

johnny only shook his head, chuckling at the irony,

"says the one always standing in the rain."

they finally met yeEt

hope you're enjoying the story so far hehe~

have a pleasant day/night i love yall so much uwu ♡♡♡

yx :3

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