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1:27 am

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1:27 am.

ten's eyes shot open.

he realised that he had been sleeping since 5pm.

shit. what time is it already ?

the boy sat up on the bedㅡ johnny's bed, to be exactㅡ unwrapped himself from the blanket and looked around the room.

johnny was sleeping on a mattress on the floor opposite the bed, and his laptop lay beside him.

there was a set of clean clothes on the nightstand, as well as a towel.

ten supposed that johnny was waiting for him to wake up and take a shower, but fell asleep himself.

he searched johnny's study table for his phone, and checked the time.

god i'm so fucked.

ten immediately grabbed the clean clothes and went into the bathroom to change.

johnny's (apparently smallest) hoodie was huge on him, but ten liked how big it was on his small frame, it was really comfortable and the smelt of johnny, which strangely made him feel safe. he put on johnny's pair of skinny jeans, folding the pant legs up thrice in the process.

ten made a mental note to return johnny these soon.

on the way out, he walked past the taller's room. ten realised that on this cold day johnny had been sleeping without a blanket as he had lent the only one he had to ten.

ten hesitated for a moment before retrieving the fluffy blanket that he had discarded on the bed and gently covered johnny with it, whispering words of gratitude he knew the older wouldn't hear,

"thank you for evrything."

with that, he left.

10:38 am.

johnny awoke to the sound of his phone buzzing with notifications and ten nowhere to be seen.

johnny hoped it was a message from the boy he had taken care of yesterday as he tapped on the notification.


hey johnny this is ten :)

apologies for leaving without informing you yesterday,,,

just wanna say that i'm
really grateful for what you've
done for me. i'll return your
clothesㅡ and the favourㅡ
another day

sorry for all the trouble, and
thank you again

john ! changed 'unknown'
to 'ten uwu'

hey ten !

no need to apologise,,, i offered
to help anyway

hope you're feeling better !!

if you feel like you need to
return the favour i only
ask one thing : don't go out
in the rain anymore okay ?

promise me

okay i promise -_-

you're such a nag

this nag literally just saved
your life

i said thanks already
didn't i ?

sis that doesn't mean you
can diss me

i'm the one with sass
here sIS

you're actually way
more open and friendly
through text i'm shook

hm isn't everyone like
that tho

shit you right lmao

oh i gotta go

wait what-

ttyl okay ?

wait wAit


uhh when will we meet
again ?

lol you really wanna
see me so bad huh

nO i just want my
clothes back dumbass

says the fatass who gave
me his number because
he wanted to meet again

okok sorry um you free
tmr ?

don't think we can meet
anytime soon,,, i can't

why not ?

i have work

work ?
you finally found a job ?
that's great !!

yep haha its great :)

so i'll be busy and stuff

okay i understand,,
what are you working as ?
if you don't mind me

it's kinda complicated,,,
i'll tell you next time ? i
really gotta go now sorry

oh its fine ^-^ ttyl then !


ten uwu is typing...

johnny waited for the other boy to answer, but after a second, ten had apparently went offline and johnny was left on read.

he sighed, unsurprised, as he logged out of the messaging app.

guess i won't get a 'bye' in return...

hmm and the plot thickens 👀

here's perhaps where the angst comes in oof

have a great day/night ahead & remember that you're loved !! and don't ask by who, yall know its me ;))) ♡♡♡

yx out~

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