17 ⠸home

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02:07 am

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02:07 am.

johnny couldn't sleep.

he supposed he had gotten too used to falling asleep with ten beside him.

the thai had gone back home on monday, saying he had to work later that day.

johnny sighed a got out of bed, slipping on a hoodie over his shirt. it was pretty chilly tonight.

he decided to head outside for a walk, since he couldn't fall asleep.

strolling down the dimly lit streets, the silence that greeted johnny's ears wasn't eerie to him. if anything, it was more tranquil and gave him a fresh new perspective to the small neughbourhood than the usual busy hustle during the day.

catching sight of the city lights in the distance, johnny regretted not bringing his camera for the pretty bokeh photos he could've taken.

turning another corner, johnny realised he'd never been in this part of the neighbourhood before.

it was significantly darker and more run-down than anywhere else, and the place was ill-kept, giving off an unsettling aura the moment johnny set foot into the area.

there was only one, flickering street lamp illuminating the street, and vulgar grafitti weren't the only markings on the dirt-caked walls. unidentifiable stains and what seemed like scratches were scattered all over the concrete.

johnny was about to turn tail and make his way back to the main street when a whimpering sound made him stop in his tracks.

he started towards the whimpers, thinking it was from an animal that needed help, but when it got louder, he realised it was someone crying.

and it was coming from johnny's right, which was empty apart from a door.

he walked closer, and the sign on the door became clearer. it read 'telecomm riser room'.

someone's inside that tiny ass room !?

johnny immediately knocked on the door, trying to get the attention of the person inside.

"hey, are you okay ?" johnny asked, raised his voice to let himself be heard but tried sounding as gentle as possible.

the crying came to a sudden pause, but johnny received no reply.

"it's alright, i won't hurt you. i just wanna help," johnny tried reassuring the person.

it seemed to work, and a broken, very familiar voice called out, "j-johnny... ?"

the said male froze.

"ten ?! oh my god, what're you doing in there ???" johnny almost screamed, frantically trying to pry the door open.

"stop, it's not g-gonna work," ten spoke again, "i-i'm locked in."

"who locked you in ?" johnny sounded murderous, even ten could feel the taller's anger radiate from the other side of the door.

"m-my employer... k-kind of," ten mumbled.

"what ?! that's fucked up !" johnny exclaimed, "i'm calling the cops."

"no don't !" ten called out, "i-i can't lose this job... please."

"what kind of jobㅡ oh god, let's just get you out first, yeah ?" johnny replied anxiously, looking around for anything that he could use to break the lock.

but he couldn't find anything.

"johnny ?" ten called out again, straining his hoarse voice.

the older ran back to the door, "yes ?"

"maybe you can use this," something shiny slipped through the gap underneath the door.

johnny bent down to pick it up. it was a glittery red bobby pin.

"woah," was all johnny could say, as he started picking the lock with the hairpin. he didn't know ten liked wearing these, and he felt excitement rise up in him at thought of ten with pins in his hair.

i bet he looks adorable.

snapping johnny's attention back to his task, the pin struck something inside the lock. johnny turned it, and the door popped open.

revealing a dishevelled ten sitting on the ground, shaking.

"o-oh my god, baby i'm so sorry," johnny darted to the boy's side, apologising even though it wasn't his fault.

ten was pale and drawn, his eyes swollen, throat dry from crying, and a layer of sweat coated his forehead.

he looked exhausted, but he threw himself into johnny's arms at the sight of the older, choking out relieved sobs.

"it's okay now," johnny whispered, holding ten in his arms, rocking back and forth, "it's okay, baby."

after what seemed like half an hour, ten looked up, "johnny..."

"yes baby ?"

ten shot johnny a small glare at the pet name, and that was what convinced johnny that ten had somewhat recovered from the fiasco.

he chuckled softly, "sorry. you weren't complaining just now, so i just assumedㅡ"

ten pressed his lips onto the older's to shut him up, but as johnny kissed back, he felt that the gesture held a million unspoken 'thank you's.

"i think you have a lot to explain," johnny said, when they pulled apart, "but let's get to that when we're back home."

"home ?" ten tilted his head in confusion. he needed more clarification.

"my apartment," johnny cracked a smile at the younger's puzzled expression.

"oh, but that's your home, not mine," ten replied.

johnny only shook his head as he stood up, holding ten close,

"now, it's your home too."

finally had time to finish another chapter yEet exams can choke on a cactus they're not even over yet smh

also i'm still crying over xiaojun's iconic "can i be honest ? i so hate to be controlled" in take off and the amount of sad aggressive bitch energy 'say it' emits just hits me eye-

also i'm still crying over xiaojun's iconic "can i be honest ? i so hate to be controlled" in take off and the amount of sad aggressive bitch energy 'say it' emits just hits me eye-

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hope everyone's having a great weekend !! love yall

| yx :>

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