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Whatever I want is here

but I cannot get it

it is in sight

but out of reach

he is out of reach

he is tormenting me

I am his puppet

I would do anything for him

but my life is out of control

it's in his hands

he is my world

I know he will just hurt me

but I am just a puppet

I can't change.


Hey, so my writer's block is fading! YAY!!!!! This is bad but hey at least I can write now. I got new glasses and I really like them. Guess what. I like someone again. Even though the last one turned out bad. I ended up loving him and he broke my heart. Oh, the day it happened I wrote a chapter called goodbye maybe. You should go check it out. I have been really depressed lately and it sucks even more that I could not write about it. If you want more detail on my writer's block you should go check out a chapter called Inspiration. Wow, look at all these self-promos. I have been talking to the person for like, oh wow since 1:23 and it's 3:32 that's like 3 hours. That's cool, I love talking to him. He is one of the few good things in my life even if he is just a friend he is so cool and relatable and easy to talk to, and we like the same things. He noticed my glasses and my haircut, I did not see him looking at me. I wonder what that means. Anyone have any idea what that means??? Thanks for reading this. 

Love you all <3

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