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Leon stared in horror as the black goo known as the Uroboros virus spreaded across New York City like a tsunami wave, infecting anyone on its path.

The bright glow of fire from explosions made Leon shield his eyes with his arm, and the sound of gunfired along with the yells of his friends were heard in a distance.

The sound of glass crushing rang in Leon's ears as he saw Dante being pounced by a blue figure until they landed into another building.

Leon grunted as he stood up, the gash wound on his shoulder slowly closing up.

"Alert! Target ha--- Aahhhhh!" Leon could only hear static from his comms, followed by a military helicopter crashing just on the building next to him.

The maniacal laugh from one Albert Wesker seemed to come from everywhere, making Leon lift his Wing Shooters aimlessly.

The Uroboros goo landed with a splat as Albert Wesker merged as one with the virus, a sadistic grin decorated his disfigured face.

"Who's gonna save you now, Kennedy?" Wesker cackled as Leon glanced at his friends, who were a too busy fughting infected to even look at Leon's direction.

Gritting his teeth, Leon stared at Wesker dead in the eyes.

"Myself!" With that, Leon rushed towards Wesker, pushing the both of them off from the tall skycraper.

"Leon!!!!" His name was the last thing he heard as his closed his eyes, bracing for impact into the pool of lava beneath him.


And here's the prologue! I'll be updating chapters only on weekends so that I could still focus on both in reality and writing life.

Happy reading, ya'll!! ❤❤

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