Chapter 1

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(Y/n) cowered with fear as a pair of crimson eyes burned into her skin. The young boy and his friends hovered over you, one with hands creating small explosions out of his hands.

"Just die~" he sneered, "weaklings like you don't belong in this world".


I fell back and watched them retreat, satisfied with their daily beating they'd give to me every night. You would think that home is the safest place for me, but it's more like a living hell there.

My family absolutely hates me. Well, just my dad. My dad and I live alone together after my mom died on a hero mission. This left my father devastated to the point where he completely rejected me for the rest of my life. Whenever I try to talk to him, he pushes me back and refuses me as his own child. If villians hadnt killed my mother in her mission, I couldve lived to see another day where my family sits merily togther.

I'm too weak to fight back though and its thrown me into a deep depression. Its a non stop torture, having my dad remind me of how much of a dissapointment I am. And I cant even flee to friends or family, so its just me...

Now I just take it all in. It's like an endless daily routine of torture, but over the years I've gotten used to it. There isnt anything fond about my life, just this daily cycle of hell

*phone chimes*
Today was the day, bright red on my calender. It was circled in red reminding me that I can end all of my suffering and pain today. Theres nobody I need to please, why not just leave.

I walked out of the apartment and immediatly felt the cool gush of wind caress my face. Threads of maroon and lavender wove and intertwined as the sun arose. It was early in the morning and the sun was ascending as I carried myself to school. Chills ran down my spine as the cool air pricked at my skin. I had my small school uniform on but for some god forsaken reason its literally just a sweater and skirt.

Crap. I forgot my jacket. I cant go home now or my dad would kill me.


I started walking down the stairs, out on the street, and towards the school. A familiar green broccoli headed kid waved my way.

"Good morning (Y/n) Chan! Arent you cold? I heard its 50 degrees outside today", he said with a worrying tone.

"Good morning izuku kun!", you smiled sheepishly. " yeah I may have accidentally forgot my jacket when I left home".

Izuku was your only friend, mainly because you two were the main victims of your grade bully. Today may  seem like usual for him, but today was different for you.

You didn't have the guts to ask if izuku wanted to join you, he'd probably report you or just not even understand what im saying. I guess hes a far too innocent soul to understand, and I would like to keep it that way. Also, Izuku has a purpose and something to live for so I wouldnt want to ruin that moment for him.

Later on, towards the end of school.

I decided to carry my childish antics up to the school roof and just let go there. But as each step was taken, I slowly gained attraction behind me but I hadnt noticed until I made it to the edge.

I walked towards the edge and stared down at all the kids playing in the front. They all headed inside for lunch, shoving and pushing through the doors like sheep being herded into their pent.


I've been waiting

For a long long time

"Hey what are you doing up here you little shit", you heard a familiar sneer and found a pair of crimson eyes staring right at you.

I turned to face that horrid voice and looked at him dead straight in the eyes with tears streaming down my cheeks.


This is the last time

I wont die by your hands

You'll soon live to regret everything

It'll hit you one day


It'll hit you so hard

Once youve realized what youve done

I lifted my hands up to the side, and before he could say anything but gasp, I leaned backwards and saw my terrible life flash before my eyes.

This is the en-

Before I could hit the ground , I felt myself being hit by a strong wind and being earped into a forest. I was laying on the soft grass and slowly opened my eyes to see the sillouette of a tall figure.

He moved closer and reached his hand out towards me and said "I'm here to help you, young one".

(Guys it's not all might okay)

Suddenly a warm glow of light engulfed me in a warmth I hadnt felt in a while. I took his hand and said, "thank you".

I still couldn't see him but I looked up and smiled for the first time in a long time.

__ _ _ ___________________

Well boys ur probably thinking, hey what a dumb chapter, yeah well this was just to show ur background story and stuff. I hope u liked it and be sure to comment what you would like next maybe. This story is written by inspiration given by fans. Pls tell me if I'm making someone way too OP because I suck at paying attention to what in writing and stuff. Anyways goodbye.


AaHaG this story is rlly cringy-

I dunno how often I'll update but since I'm a loner, I might update quicker.


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