Chapter 5

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Since Zawa already recommended you to UA, you didn't really need to attend the entrance exam. You just had to show a little demonstration of your quirk and then they'll give you the exception letter when everyone else gets it.

Simple, right?

It may be simple but it's so nerve-racking. If anyone asks me how many points I got, what'll I say? If I tell them I was recommended they would just think it's bullshit or something.
In the morning of the first day...

Your POV

I woke up with the bright sun hitting my eyes right smack dab in the middle. I squeezed my eyes shut and then back open again and stretched my shoulders above me. I stood up and dragged myself to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Then I cranked the handle and the shower turned on, with slight steam above it. I took off and placed my clothes in the laundry basket and stepped in the shower to feel the hot water softly pound against my chest. I don't know how long I stayed in but when I got out it was.. 8AM?!

I'm going to be late!! I quickly dried myself and dressed in my school uniform and ran downstairs, picked up my lunch, and ran out the door with bare feet and shoes in my hands.

Today was going to be a long day...

I made it too the front of the school and checked the time and it was 8:20, school had already started!!

I scanned my ID and ran to the classroom with my shoes in hand and my hair waving frantically around. I then reached a door labeled class 1-A and slid open the door.

"S-sorry I'm late", I bowed, completely embarrassed.

"Since it's the first day, I'll let you off the hook but if this happens again, that'll be a detention", a man with black hair in a yellow sleeping bag said lazily.

I nodded and headed to my seat which had a name card with my name on it. I sat next to a boy with blond, spiky hair in the front row.

I sighed and put my bag beside me and turned my attention to the teacher.

"Today we will be completing a small fitness test. Since this is UA, you are allowed to use your quirks to the full extent. Just don't hurt each other, cuz ur supposed to be hero's", he explained in a monotoned voice.

We all gathered outside onto a small field and we lined up in a row. Mr Aizawa explained the different tests we'll be going through, the first one was the ball throw test.

"Bakugo', he called, "Since you won first place in the tryouts, how about you come here and show us how far you can throw the ball. From what I recall, I'm middle school you only reached 52.8 meters (guys I have no idea what it was, don't attack me) right?. Well let's see how you throw the ball this time, using your quirk."

The blond kid I sat next to walked up to the red circle, reached his arm back and thrusted in in the air while shouting "DIE".

Everyone stared in amazement as the ball flew far with the power of explosion boosting it up. I looked in awe as it blasted to where I couldnt even see it.

"372.5 meters (I have no idea what it actually was.)", Aizawa spoke.

Bakugo walked back to the group and all of the other contests went through all the courses and now it was my turn for my ball throw. He called me up and I walked to the red circle and I readied myself.

"Requip!", I shouted and my clothes transformed with a golden light, "Morning star armour".

"Requip!", I shouted and my clothes transformed with a golden light, "Morning star armour"

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Some student looked with amazement and some we're staring. This weird short kid with purple balls((ohHOh*slapped*))on his head looked with drool on his lips (mineta is a fat pervert guys.)
I clasped my two swords together and generated a light amount of energy and blasted the ball up into the sky.

A few moments later, Aizawa looked at his timer thingy and it measured 378.02 meters. I smiled lightly and with a flash of golden I was back into my uniform. I walked back to my place and the girls looked at me and said "That was amazing Y/n-San!!".

The hedgehog kid looked at me a tched. But I quickly shook it off and listened to the results.

1st Place Girls /// 1st place Boys

1. Y/n.                   Todoroki
2. Ochako.            Bakugo
3. Mina.                Kirishima
Last place, izuku.

Welp I guess he's gonna get expelled-

"I was lying about last place getting expelled", Aizawa said.

The small kid with green hair was talking with Mr. Aizawa and we all went back the the classroom.

"Class dismissed" he said. I walked out of the school towards my apartment, with the sunset sitting in the sky. "Hey freak", a rough voice called out.

I looked back to see the blond kid and he walked right in front of me. "Know ur place shithead", he said and shoved his hands into his pockets.

I giggled and said, "yeah yeah, what do you want. I have no business with you so if your not going to say anything then piss off".

He looked back with anger "What did you say-"
End of chapter, I'll be writing later but I have to make anime edits and do school work so ya. Cliffhanger I guess.



Yup I'm leaving now

Of course I am



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