Part 14

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( Okay guys I'm BAAAAck from my trip and now I will continue writing. sorry I was so busy and I know I haven't updated in days!! oops, well here's a new chapter)


"And that's what you put in", I snickered while climbing into my bed.


"Goodnight", I said while shutting off the lights from the remote and layering myself in 5 different blankets. Okay so here's the thing, when I go to sleep, I wanna have the time of my life. So when i go to sleep, i can actually sleep. I grabbed the edge of all five blankets and rolled myself into a massive ass burrito in the middle of my bed. Then my head just poked out and layed on 3 pillows.

AnD NOwW----

(hehe this is what ur st00pid ass looks like)

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(hehe this is what ur st00pid ass looks like)

7 am

Bakugo POV

My alarm from my phone rang in the morning and i slammed my phone against the floor and shouted, 'FUCK YOU". Goddammit, that piece of shit is so annoying. I sat up and looked to my side to see y/n rolled like fucking sushi in 5 blankets. Her head was a foot above her pillow because of all the blankets.

  How does she fucking sleep like that? 

Then out of nowhere, her alarm started to ring and she screamed "AH SHIT, SHUT UP FOR FUCKS SAKE", and grabbed the alarm off the bedstand and threw it against the wall. then placed her arm back in the blanket and began to sleep again.

  scary, but cute.

I woke up earlier in the morning to start making breakfast for the both of us. I couldn't sleep because of the constant thunder so I got up and started making (ur/fav/food). I grabbed a pan from the cupboard below the stovetop and placed it on the stove. While cranking the heat to a medium I sprayed some oil on the pan. (if ur favorite food is cereal, fuck you, change of plans were making eGGs and bAcon, even though I hate bacon).

 I grabbed the foam box full of eggs, a few veggies, and bacon StRIPs.(okay I'll stop now). I began to chop the peppers and onions for the omelet and placed the bacon in the pan. A loud sizzling sound was heard but then died down to a low sound and I heard footsteps walking toward me.

I looked behind me to see Y/N standing with a face of slight shock.

"Ohhhhhhhh Bakugo I didn't know you could cook! Holy shit I only thought you were talented in one area", Y/N said in a sly voice.


"OH YEAH AND WHAT'S THAT YOU DUMB BIT-", he said while angrily stirring the eggs with the finely chopped veggies.

"Well, you're always angry and I've never seen someone act like that so your... BAKUGO THE BACON IS BURNING FLIP THE BACON", I was trying to say until I smelt a burning smell.

He grabbed the tongs and angrily flipped the 4 pieces of bacon.



He turned his back towards me and continued what he was doing, and I went upstairs to go take a shower. Once I finished I got in my uniform, but without the gray jacket on so I was only wearing the white long sleeve shirt tucked into the gray skirt, a red tie, gray and black high socks that went up to my knees. 

I came downstairs and took a seat next to Bakugo to see a perfectly cooked breakfast, hehe other than the bacon though, with a glass of milk to the side.

"Took you long enough", he blatantly said.

"Wow I didn't know you could actually cook, because you burnt the bacon earlier", I said with a sly tone.

"eat.", he said again.

I grabbed the fork and knife and cut out a small piece of the omelet. I took a bite, and holy shit was this good.

"Ahh~ wow I didn't know it would taste this good," I said with slight amazement while looking at Bakugo and lightly punched his shoulder.

"Y-yeah," he said while he continued to eat his food with a slight blush on his cheeks.

awww~ fucking adorable.






hhehehh chapter done losers, night

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