Chapter 11

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I grabbed his shoulder and pushed him inside my house and turned on the lights, "C'mon youll get sick, besides, what if you fainted outside and no one was there to help you.", i said, while watching him get angry every second i spoke, "So its best if you stayed here".

It was very amusing watching him trying to hold in his anger.

"Shut up you idiot or else ill kill you in your sleep", he said, sounding very close to blowing his fuse.

"We'll see about that you idiot."

AND NOW...   (This will be a short chapter because im super busy and i really need to finish the other task i have as soon as possible, so im rlly sorry if there are alot of grammar errors and stuff like that! Thank you!!)


I closed the door behind us as we took off our shoes and walked into my house. It was a sort of Japanese style home with a modern technology twist to it because im a freaking loser and cant stop renovating my damn house. I walked in front of Katsuki and led him to my kitchen. (Make up your own kitchen, we all have our preferences im guessing).

It was getting late so i had to cook up something real quick.

"Ne, Katsuki, its kinda late right now. Is it okay if i just make curry tonight? It'll take me about 15 minutes.", I said as i put on a f/c apron and tied my hair into a low messy bun. (f/c = favorite color).

"S-sure, go ahead", he said, then he looked down again thinking very deeply.

KkakKAKKAkkKAKatttssukkiiiiii POV

"S-sure, go ahead," i said as i looked right back down at the table. Okay what in the actual fuck is happening right now. First, y/n worried that i would get sick and forced me into her house and started cooking curry. Like what is she a mom? And second of all, im in a girls house. A fucking girls house. Alone in a house with a girl. 

I looked down a bit more and covered my face as it grew red. God are you serious? Not now. (no, he's not having a boner you horny loser). I uncovered my hand a bit from my face and looked up to see y/n happily cooking and humming at the same time.

She looked back and caught me looking at her and smiled back at me. My cheeks slightly went bright pink as i looked back down to the granite table.


Just AnoTher IntErrUptiOn hAha

get ready for author san to put a nice image in your mind.

Just imagine you were in the kitchen and you heard grunting and you looked behind you and you just see Bakugo just fucking jacking off right behind you. Hes just really getting it right there and putting all his god damn attention towards his measly cock. Right at the fucking dinnertable, as if no one was watching him fucking pull out a wrench and twist that shit like 20 times before just breaking his own bones. Yup, that's the sight you horny readers love. But just so you know, that's not apart of the actual story so frick you uhuhuh. Okay, have fun being comfortable reading the rest of the story ;;;;;;)))))




Continuing on...

I kept my head down and heard foot steps towards me. I looked up just a bit to see y/n coming with two bowls of curry and rice. She set them down, one in front of me, and the other in the seat next to me. Then she looked over and said, "Are you sure your okay? You dont look too well, it must've been the rain. Eat and you'll probably feel better .", she said reassuringly.

"Im fine, your acting like my fucking mom", i replied.

"OKAY WELL JUST BE THANKFUL I'M LOOKING OUT FOR YOUR SILLY ASS", she yelled at me. For some reason i enjoy the company of y/n alot , wait- wtf?

I was angered beyond but took a bite of the curry. 

holy fuck this is delicious. Despite her attitude, the food is fucking amazing and better than my moms. There's no way this took 15 minutes.

Y/N Pov

I walked back to the stove and stumbled a bit. My vision went a bit hazy and i put my hand on my head for support. It went clear for a a second so i thought i was okay. I picked up one of the unused pans and went to the cabinet to put it away but i felt so nacious ( bruh how do you spell that word??) and my vision went blurry again. Whats happening to me? I tried blinking a few times but i couldn't keep my eyes open and started  swaying a bit until i fell with a loud bang. I dropped the pan before i hit the floor but it still made a loud sound. I felt my eyes shut for the last time as i fell into a deep sleep.





hhaah i told u it was a short chapter

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